Proposal: Survival of the Wittest
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 06 Aug 2023 14:48:17 UTC
If Proposal: Reinventing the Wheel didn’t pass, this proposal has no effect.
Throughout the dynastic ruleset, replace “Tech” with “Ingenuity”.
Add a new dynastic rule, called “Innovation”:
There exist a number of Innovations, all of which are recorded in the table below. Each Innovation has an Innovation type, a name, an Ingenuity cost, zero or more prerequisites, and an effect which is applied to every District who has learned it. If a District has learned an Innovation multiple times, its effect applies an equal number of times (if possible). The Innovations that a District has learned are tracked in a public list; if an Innovation has been learned more than once by a District, its name is marked with a multiplicative suffix (e.g. “x2” or “x3”) in that list to indicate the number of times learned.
When a District Innovates, they choose one Innovation for which they meet all prerequisites, pay its Ingenuity cost, and then learn it.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Innovation type !! Name !! Ingenuity cost !! Prerequisites !! Effect
| Fundamental || Shared Wisdom || 0 || None || Whenever you gain Ingenuity, increase the amount of Ingenuity gained by 1.
by golly do i love tech trees!!
there’s currently no declaration that a District /can/ ever Innovate; that’s intentional for now. i think we’ll want it to be an Upside in the list, once we have enough innovations!! innovating definitely shouldn’t be something that can be done freely, which is why i have a 0-cost ramp-up upgrade as the first basic one; it’s meant to be a simple diminishing-returns bonus so that innovating without any ingenuity is still somewhat worthwhile :0
Kevan: he/him
A post-apocalyptic tech tree (if that’s where the Dead City is) sounds interesting to explore.
Lewis Dartnell’s The Knowledge has some good stuff about the shortcuts you’d be able to take if you were rebuilding a fallen society from physically nothing, while still retaining all the technical knowledge from before. That you obviously wouldn’t have to follow the same slow branches of discovery that technology happened to have taken historically, and your first, primitive trains can have steam-charged electric batteries if you can source the right materials.