Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Call for Judgment: Suspicious Actions, Clarified

failed 3-0

Adminned at 28 Jun 2023 22:30:04 UTC

Uphold that the Mindjacking carried out by Bucky at 16:19:00 on 27 June and the subsequent Ascending were not illegally carried out on the basis of Bucky’s Suspicion score.

If either Proposal: Too Tangled or Call for Judgment: Palatable potency were enacted, then this CfJ has no effect.

In the rule “Astromancy”, replace “not Potent” with “Baseline”.

In the rule “Reality Enforcers”, remove the bullet point reading “Any action whose Potency or Potent status is referred to by that action’s rules grants Suspicion equal to its Potency.” and add the following bullet points to the list.

* An Astromantic Ritual grants Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.
* Resonance Testing grants Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.
* Skywriting grants Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.
* Blameshifting grants Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.

In the same rule, change “Superencryption grants 2 Suspicion.” to “Superencryption grants 2 Suspicion plus Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.” and “Extrasensory Assassination grants 4 Suspicion.” to “Extrasensory Assassination grants 4 Suspicion plus Suspicion equal to the Potency of the Mindjacker who performs it.”.

Then, reorder the list of Suspicious Actions to the order that they appear in the ruleset, with the earliest at the top and the latest at the bottom.

here’s an alternative to “Palatable potency” that’s significantly less disruptive; this should maintain the current status of the Suspicious Actions list while still making it more explicit what it means!
my reasoning for considering Superencryption & Assassination the same as before is that two items on the same list applying weren’t mutually exclusive, so both would apply; my reasoning for considering Skywriting and Blameshifting the same as before is that the “Forkable” rule refers to Potent status.


Josh: he/they

28-06-2023 08:34:44 UTC

I’ll likely be mildly against this as, as far as I can see, the differences between it and Palatable potency are minor and come at the cost of a lot more words in an already wordy and hard to manage ruleset.

lemon: she/herIdle

28-06-2023 08:49:09 UTC

the differences aren’t minor! as-is, Palatable potency…
1) doesn’t include a fix to some clumsy wording in the Astromancy rule which was only there to appease the “whose potent status is referred to” clause;
2) reintroduces the “when performed Potent” conditional, reducing the Suspicion of Baseline Superencryption and Extrasensory Assassination;
3) doesn’t grant any immediate Suspicion upon performing the action of Resonance Testing, making it strictly superior to Mindjacking since a Baseline Resonance Test would only be able to inflict 1 Suspicion;
4) significantly reduces the Suspicion cost of a high-level Mindjacker’s Astromantic Rituals by setting all Rituals to inflict 1 Suspicion;
and 5) doesn’t include Skywriting or Blameshifting, effectively changing the ruleset to make them Suspicionless.

i’m not saying these changes are bad, necessarily. but they /are/ changes, and those ought to be handled via proposal! this proposal is simply the more consistent one :0

Josh: he/they

28-06-2023 09:15:56 UTC

1) I’m not bothered by the fixes it doesn’t include; they should be fixed but I’m happy to work with a more limited scope for clarity of the changes.

2) Unless I’m missing something, this isn’t correct; PP retains the baseline 2 suspicion charged to Superencryption and 4 to Assassination, and thus functions identically to this CfJ.

3) Fair, I’ve made an edit.

4) Astromantic Rituals are a real bone of contention, as under the current wording of the rule their Suspicion cost is almost a scam; it mentions Potency as almost a throwaway, and its Suspicion cost relies on a close understanding of the rules in a way that is hostile in the way that Bucky identifies.

5) The current text also does not as far as I can tell include Skywriting or Blameshifting. I agree that if these are to be included it should be by proposal.

lemon: she/herIdle

28-06-2023 09:30:28 UTC

on point #2: if it’s 2+Potency, that means a Baseline (i.e. Non-Potent, acting from the same level as the action’s Tier) Superencryption gives three Suspicion. but your CfJ specifies “when performed Potent”, and thus would only give 2 Suspicion when performed Baseline, and then jump right up to 4 Suspicion when performed at 2 Potency.

on point #4: i disagree entirely that it’s ‘almost a scam’! the fact that it relies on a close understanding of the rules is why we need a clarification, but the ruleset very much does point toward it having a Suspicion cost at the moment. the rule Astromancy refers to the Potent status of Astromantic Rituals, thus that actions grants Suspicion equal to its Potency!

on point #5: as stated in this post’s commentary field, i think that the current text /does/ include Skywriting/Blameshifting, as both mention that they are Forkable actions (which is a reference to Potency status).

Josh: he/they

28-06-2023 09:37:09 UTC

Ha! I would vote against the point 5 CfJ; too implicatory for me :)

Point 2 is good; I’ll make an amendment.

We might have to agree to disagree on 4.

Josh: he/they

28-06-2023 14:19:23 UTC


Bucky: Idle

28-06-2023 15:31:45 UTC

Forkable was one of the major points of confusion, and I had both intended and interpreted it as not being itself Suspicious because the reference to the action being Potent is in a different rule from the definition of the action.

If they are suspicious, though, it’s further unclear whether forking them should cause the suspicious action penalty to be incurred twice.

Also, if Blameshifting specifically is suspicious, JohnathanDark is missing quite a bit of suspicion.


JonathanDark: he/him

28-06-2023 17:21:48 UTC

When I performed Blameshifting manually, I did add Suspicion, but then it was reset when I Ascended, so that’s water under the bridge if we decide that Blameshifting does not add Suspicion.

It looks like when you carried out my Trigger to perform Blameshifting, you did not add Suspicion, which tracks with what you said above. Based on the outcome of this CfJ or the other one, we can fix this if necessary. I don’t think it will add so much Suspicion that I’ll hit 10 or more, though.

lemon: she/herIdle

28-06-2023 22:29:28 UTC

against as this no longer has any effect!