Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Proposal: Sweetness and Light

Timed out and enacted, 5-1. Josh

Adminned at 10 Sep 2021 09:52:24 UTC

Add a subrule to the rule Cycles, called New World Order:

This rule contains the only methods by which a Cell can achieve Victory in this dynasty. A Cell may not achieve Victory in this dynasty except by fulfilling one of its stipulations.

The ways in which a Cell may achieve Victory are as follows:
*Collaborator Victory: A Cell has achieved Victory if it has an Ideological Proximity with the Ministry of Information of 2 or more, and every other Cell is either Hot, has no Adherents, or has never had a published Most Wanted score above 5.
*Revolutionary Victory: A Cell has achieved Revolutionary Victory if it has an Ideological Proximity with the Ministry of Information of 1 or less, and the effect of the Colonial Palace building has been triggered at a time when that Cell was a Leader.

If Proposal: Shredder Party was enacted, add the following to the list of Buildings in the rule Buildings, in alphabetical order:

* Colonial Palace [1,000]{Private}
:: Has no effect except as specified by the rule New World Order.

If Proposal: Shredder Party was not enacted, add the following to the list of Secret Buildings in the rule Buildings:

Colonial Palace [1000]: Has no effect except as specified by the rule New World Order.

Add a subrule to the rule Anonymous Tips, entitled Bounties:

The Ministry of Information may, at their discretion, chose to reward an Informant that has made a correct Tip. If they do so they should inform the Informant that they are to be rewarded. Any time a Cell is rewarded, it may chose exactly one of the following rewards:

* Gain 1 Citizen as a new Adherent, without gaining buzz;
* Chose a named Citizen, and learn that Citizen’s Ideology or Adherence;
* Add 50 Progress to the Building of their choice

Once the awarded Informant has chosen a reward and communicated their choice to the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Information should update the gamestate accordingly at their earliest convenience.

Remove the text “Non-Leaders cannot achieve victory” from the ruleset.

NB on Most Wanted scores: I’m reserving sub-5 scores for players who don’t appear to be substantively playing. I pinky-promise not to abuse the subjectivity of that to kingmake, but am happy to see that specific provision formalised if needs be.



08-09-2021 15:04:40 UTC

Im cool with most of it

But I’d prefer something more mechanical than “The Ministry of Information may, at their discretion” for the Rewards. I don’t think this is a case where it needs to be subjective.

Josh: he/they

08-09-2021 15:15:00 UTC

I mean, we’re 3 hours out of the edit window, so you might as well throw a vote in either way


08-09-2021 15:25:59 UTC

against Mostly because it’s not stuff that affects the gamestate immediately, except for that Bounties thing that I’m not entirely happy about.


08-09-2021 15:26:27 UTC

(However I’m very open to greenticking some future version)

Josh: he/they

08-09-2021 16:06:02 UTC

I wanted to keep it as an “at discretion” action to avoid farming shenanigans, by the way; I can easily see a small pool of informants informing on each other to gather enough info to blitz the game.

Brendan: he/him

08-09-2021 16:21:40 UTC

for Speaking as a member of a small pool of informants,

Raven1207: he/they

08-09-2021 19:07:04 UTC


lemon: she/her

09-09-2021 09:20:10 UTC

there’s no such thing as a private building!

Josh: he/they

09-09-2021 09:23:48 UTC

Oh ffs

Can I call that a typo?

lemon: she/her

09-09-2021 09:25:29 UTC

that seems like a stretch :(

Kevan: he/him

09-09-2021 10:59:54 UTC

for Although the bounties do seem a bit too blurry.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

09-09-2021 18:11:54 UTC
