Proposal: Sweets for Children? That’s a fair trade.
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 28 Aug 2011 09:42:25 UTC
If the rule “Personal belongings” doesn’t exist, then this proposal does nothing.
Create a rule called “Bartering” with the following text:
Any Survivor, as a Daily Action, may Trade one of the Items they possess with one Item possessed by another Survivor. When they perform the Trade, they give a Survivor one Item they possess, and then take one item from the Survivor who just received their item. The new possessor of each Item shall be tracked in the GNDT. Any item which is Traded must retain the same Name and Flags (if any) as it had immediately before the Trade took place.
ais523: Custodian
Surely this should require the other Survivor to consent to the trade? Otherwise, it’s going to lead to an incredibly annoying grind to get the best items.