Proposal: Swift Slitherers
Reached quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 09 Jan 2025 02:55:03 UTC
Add the following as a new dynastic rule, called Race 5:
Whenever a Snail crosses the finish line they subtract their Track Record from their Plays. This may result in a Snail’s number of Plays being a negative number.
At the time at which an Award Ceremony is carried out, the Snail who finished the Race with the lowest number of Plays has achieved Victory; if multiple Snails are tied for the lowest number of Plays then they have all achieved Victory but must head the next dynasty as a Coregency. If the Coregency contingency occurs then this rule may not be repealed upon Ascension; instead it is replaced with the following text in quotation marks, which is otherwise flavour text, with xxx replaced by the names of all players who will act as Coregent Emperors and the term Emperor or Emperors replaced with the relevant dynasty-specific terminology:
“This Dynasty is a Coregency and as such has multiple Emperors. The Emperors for this Dynasty are xxx. All Emperors have all of the powers and responsibilities of an Emperor. Any vote of DEF cast in this Dynasty is only considered to be the same as the Emperors’ votes if all votes cast on that matter by Emperors are the same; otherwise it is considered to be an unresolved DEF vote as if no Emperor had cast a vote on that matter.”
ais523: Custodian
I think this doesn’t work because Plays are by default defined to be non-negative, so the subtraction isn’t possible for Snails who finish in fewer Plays than their Track Record.
Also, I’m not sure “Race 5” is actually defined in the ruleset; it would be clearer as “Whenever a Snail becomes finished, if the Race Number is 5”. The timing is also unclear – the victory is presumably meant to occur during the Award Ceremony but the rule doesn’t actually say that.