Proposal: Symphony of the Might
Cannot reach quorum, with 6 votes against. Josh
Adminned at 18 Jun 2021 08:57:17 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Victory” as follows:
If one Vampire Lord (known as the Ascendant Vampire Lord) is not Enthralled, and every other Revenant Vampire Lord is Enthralled by that Ascendant Vampire Lord, then the Ascendant Vampire Lord achieves victory in the current dynasty.
Disagree about the condition here if you like, but I swear to Dracula if anyone starts the standard fuss about the phrasing of “achieves victory” I will make it my eternal blood vow to end you in all dynasties, forever.
Clucky: he/him
seems reasonable but also early in the dynasty for victory conditions like this. I think we’re safe—you can only enthrall two people a day. But I might be missing something.