Saturday, January 25, 2025

Proposal: Synchronise Watches, everyone

Withdrawn -SingularByte

Adminned at 26 Jan 2025 07:03:03 UTC

If Secret Schemes, or No Pressure, or both have been enacted, this proposal does nothing. Otherwise:

Create a subrule of Heists called The Plan {I}, placing it after Focus and before Tools of the Trade:

The Plan is a privately tracked variable for each Team, which is held by that Team’s Mastermind. It is a list of Participants of that Team, with 0 to 3 Heist Actions for each of those Participants (defaulting to blank for each Participant), and an amount of Focus for each Participant, defaulting to 0. The Plan goes back to its defaults whenever the Mastermind’s Target changes.

At any time, a Participant may add to The Plan by informing the Mastermind of their team of this, giving a list of up to three Heist Actions and an amount of Focus. This list of Heist Actions may include ones that are not currently legal to perform, and an amount of focus that they need not currently hold. A participant may also choose to remove Heist Actions and/or Focus from The Plan by informing the Mastermind.

Any any time, a Mastermind may perform any Participant’s Heist Action on The Plan on that Participant’s behalf so long as it would otherwise be legal for them to perform that action. This performance may include the use of Focus if that would not exceed the amount that the Participant has added to The Plan. When the Mastermind performs this Heist Action in this way, the Participant is classed as having performed the Heist Action (or failed that Heist Action in the case of it failing to be performed) for the purposes of calculating future legality of their actions (including the DICE48 roll for checking if they can perform a Heist Action yet).

The Mastermind is encouraged to use their team’s guidance on the best sequence of Heist Actions to use, but are not obligated to use all Heist Actions they have been provided, nor to do them in the order received.

This is a compromise between the delayed and immediate heist actions. If you make use of it, it allows the Mastermind to act with relative free will with regard to which actions they use and in what sequence, allowing them to adapt to failing actions, and removes much of the timing issues that plague the current gameplay. On the flip side, you are still free to cut the mastermind out if you desire to just get an action over with on the spot so that you can start the cooldown faster.


Josh: he/they

25-01-2025 10:11:37 UTC

I’ve avoided weighing in on all of this so far, but my concern is twofold:

1) If we remove timing coordination from the dynasty then what’s left? I find coordinating with a team more fun than most, sure, but if we remove it then the dynasty becomes a game of who can spot a sequence that can be squeezed out in the smallest number of moves - and for some players not even that, as if they come online after a plan has been hatched then all they really get to do is sit there and do as they’re told, as the actions that could disrupt a plan are totally reduced to ‘the other team finishing theirs quicker’.

2) As a corollary to that, this proposal doesn’t really alleviate timing issues, it just focuses them. A lot of rounds will simply be reduced to “which Mastermind can act quickest”, which is a fight ais will always win.



25-01-2025 11:38:27 UTC


Re: 1), this is really a problem of scoring being too easy at the moment – we haven’t really iterated much on the core mechanic of Targets yet because we’ve been focusing on other things instead.

I feel like perhaps the problem is that the fun part of the dynasty is “the team works together to achieve something” and that working together is currently done in terms of timing coordination, because the problem of finding a route to a target is simple enough that you don’t really need a whole team working on it.

Re: 2), I don’t think it’s correct to say that I’ll always win it, but that doesn’t really matter – I agree that I have an advantage over you in that respect, and would expect to win maybe 75% of the time, which is already enough to unbalance things.

I am not sure how to vote on this. It places substantial extra workload on Masterminds due to introducing some fairly complex tracking, and somehow manages to make basically every member on the team feel irrelevant, including the Mastermind (in that it basically devolves to “one person comes up with a plan to follow, the other players put in resources and are otherwise basically just puppets”). The most fun moments this dynasty for me have been when we’ve been in the middle of a series of actions and rolled high on the DICE48s, forcing us to improvise to regroup a workable plan with the remaining actions before the other team see what we’re doing and stop us, and this proposal basically makes those moments into pure exercises in Masterminding rather than having the whole team improvising. So those are reasons to vote against.

On the other hand, removing the timing issues seems like it may be necessary for the health of the game as a whole; the necessary levels of timing coordination under the current rules are clearly unacceptable to some players. BlogNomic has long given the advice of “if you aren’t enjoying the game we’re playing, change the rules”, and the timing-related posts we’ve seen recently are a consequence of that, I think. Sometimes, you have to make the game worse as a game in order to make it less onerous as a hobby.

I have been wondering whether the DICE48 is too short, but lengthening it wouldn’t remove the need for timing coordination – it would simply increase the flexibility in what time of day to coordinate at, whilst substantially slowing down the pace of dynastic gameplay. I think that would only work if you also slowed down the pace of core gameplay to compensate.

JonathanDark: he/him

26-01-2025 02:45:09 UTC

To be fair to SingularByte, this only adds an additional possibility to allow the Mastermind to execute a sequence of Heists if the Participants want to do it that way. The existing way would still exist after this, so I don’t agree that this removes timing coordination, but offers an alternative for those who can’t.

I’d be curious to know if folks think that by simply offering an alternative, everyone will go for that over executing Heists themselves, even though they could still do it on their own if this Proposal was enacted.

If the idea of Mastermind-executed plans is really that compelling, doesn’t that tell us something about the state of the game?


26-01-2025 06:36:48 UTC

Hmm, I’m out of slots, but a potential solution: make it easier to spread out a series of changes over multiple hours without the other team interfering (probably by preventing one team changing words that the other has changed for 24 hours, meaning that blocking needs to be done indirectly, and also ensuring you can’t use Guesses to change words that changed recently). If you combine that with making the targets more difficult (e.g. via Broken Swords), then timing synchronisation becomes relatively less important, and strategy / adapting to changing conditions becomes relatively more important.

SingularByte: he/him

26-01-2025 07:02:16 UTC

That does sound viable.  against Withdrawn.