Proposal: Target Practice
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan, including editing the text of this proposal. Final clause skipped as the word “Restaurant” was inadvertently left in place by the proposal Takeout.
Adminned at 15 May 2024 07:39:09 UTC
If was enacted, replace “Restaurant” with “Shop” throughout the rest of this proposal
In “The Target” replace ““The name of the Current Target is publicly tracked, as is by default the Shop.” with “The name of the Current Target and Next Target is publicly tracked, as are both by default the Shop.”
In “Distribution” after the step “Perform the Action of the Hustle of each Thief, if there are any to perform, doing so by secretly randomly choosing the order of Thieves in which to process each Thief’s Hustle. Any gains or losses are in addition to the previous steps of this instance of this atomic action.” add “Set the Current Target to be the Next Target”
In “Distribution” replace “then that Target becomes the Current Target. Otherwise the Current Target becomes Shop.” with “then Next Target is set to the name of that Target. Otherwise the Next Target becomes Shop.”
Right now, its asking a bit much for people to commit arms when we don’t even know what we’re hitting or if we’re even hitting anything
This makes it so that the “Next Target” gets set by vote in Haul 1. Then for Haul 2, people can commit their arms. Finally for Haul 3 we’ll actually hit the Next Target (as it became the new Current Target at the end of Haul 2).
Kevan: he/him