Proposal: Taunting, but better
Passes 4-0. TDS
Adminned at 08 Aug 2022 01:47:06 UTC
Change the wording of the rule Taunt from:
An Operator may Taunt another Operator (the Taunt Target) at any time provided that the following is true:
An Operator may Taunt another Operator (the Taunt Target) at any time provided that any following are true:
Add another line to the rule, before the last line:
If all three of the previous conditions are true, the operator taunting the Taunt target may add one the amount of red mist given to the Taunt Target additionally.
The rule seeks to make it clear that you can taunt anyone, but rewards you for holding your tongue till right before the bout.
SingularByte: he/him
Come to think of it, I don’t think you can meet all of the conditions at the moment since you need contradictory readiness states (i.e. both need to workshop or ready, but one also needs to be staging.)
because this at least makes taunt usable.