Friday, March 11, 2022

Proposal: Tautological Targets

Timed out and enacted, 3-0. Josh

Adminned at 14 Mar 2022 09:41:29 UTC

In the rule Parallel BlogNomic change “Each Dynasty of BlogNomic numbered between 101 (“The Third Machine of scshunt”) and 199 (“The Second Dynasty of Jumble”) - referred to as the Prime Dynasties - may have up to one parallel dynasty” to “Each Dynasty of BlogNomic numbered between 101 (“The Third Machine of scshunt”) and 200 (“The Seventeenth Dynasty of Josh”) - referred to as the Prime Dynasties - may have up to one parallel dynasty.”

In the rule Personas, change “for each uniquely named Emperor among the parallel dynasties” to “for each uniquely named Emperor (other than ‘None’) among the parallel dynasties”.

Add the following to the end of the rule Parallel BlogNomic:

Each Parallel Dynasty has a Winner, which is publicly tracked and set to a null string by default. For any given Parallel Dynasty, if at any time the subsequent Parallel Dynasty to it exists and has a named Persona (i.e. any value other than ‘None’) as its Emperor, set the Winner of it to be that Persona.

Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset, called Chicken Dinner:

The Winner of Parallel Dynasty 200 has achieved Victory.


SingularByte: he/him

11-03-2022 09:16:16 UTC

Is there any possibility that someone might join the game with a name of ‘blank’ to win?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

11-03-2022 10:35:48 UTC

I don’t think so; the Winner of Parallel Dynasty 200 is the Emperor of Parallel Dynasty 201, which can’t exist as written (PDs only go up to 200).

My hope and intent is that at some point a mechanic will come in that allows MTMs to ‘win’ parallel dynasties and thus change the timeline, rendering that risk more moot.

I’ve changed “blank” to “set to a null string” out of an abundance of caution but I don’t think it’s an immediate risk.

Brendan: he/him

11-03-2022 14:45:15 UTC


Lulu: she/her

11-03-2022 15:00:40 UTC


Lulu: she/her

12-03-2022 23:28:33 UTC

against cov

Lulu: she/her

12-03-2022 23:29:11 UTC

for cov again