Monday, February 03, 2025

Team Untracked has scored Triumphs

Team Untracked scored a Triumph on “untracked” with the following actions:

* Remove the $$ from The Bank (2 Tools of the Trade)
* Turn “flavour” into “favour” in The Bank (Tools of the Trade)
* Copy “orphan” into The Bank (JD does a Treasurer action)
* Turn “orphan” into “untracked” (Brendan does a Brains action)

Congratulate this team for a long but successful road to getting this done!


JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 17:42:16 UTC

I did not change Raven1207’s Triumphs because, while we suspect he was the Spy, I don’t have definitive proof, so I don’t know which way to change his Triumphs.

Ais, please change Raven’s Triumphs according to what you know. Or let us know if the Spy was someone else or none at all.


03-02-2025 17:46:33 UTC

@JonathanDark: the way the rule works, you increase the Triumphs anyway, and then I reduce the Spy’s Triumphs after you do that.

JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 17:50:29 UTC

Ok, then I’ll do my part to finish the unfinished action.


03-02-2025 17:51:11 UTC

I finished it off for you.

Congratulations on a properly complicated route to scoring – it was fun to watch the tracker explode.

JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 17:51:23 UTC

Ah, I see you did it already. Thanks!


03-02-2025 17:51:32 UTC

(I meant the dice roller – said the wrong word.)

JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 17:52:24 UTC

By the way, we are pretty sure SingularByte broke Archivist with his change, so your attempt to revert us probably shouldn’t count anyway.

JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 17:53:45 UTC

I guess “reboot” is debatable


03-02-2025 17:59:07 UTC

I forgot about it being broken when I tried to act. (It mostly only affects whether I’m on 24-hour lockdown or not, which probably won’t matter.)

FWIW, I think the change does break the rule, but SingularByte thinks it doesn’t. If Archivist is broken, it can’t reset itself, which is why I put a reset into my current proposal.

JonathanDark: he/him

03-02-2025 18:07:16 UTC

Also, do you have a script that watches the dice roller 24/7? You were rather fast on the Archivst attempts both times.

SingularByte: he/him

03-02-2025 18:15:47 UTC

Congratulations, that’s a long sequence of actions there.


03-02-2025 18:29:57 UTC

@JonathanDark: It was all manual.

The first time, I was refreshing constantly for a while because I was worried that someone might be trying a scam, and the removal of $ from the Bank also looked like it might be part of a scam (I only realised after reverting that it might instead be part of a scoring attempt).

The second time, I noticed a Focus spend on the tracker, which prompted me to check the dice roller. I remember thinking “hmm, removing $ from the Bank makes a lot of flavour sense”. By then, I had decided it was probably a scoring attempt rather than a scam.

Snisbo: she/they

03-02-2025 19:00:09 UTC

On the topic of archivist being broken, I think the wording as is still works. Fixing it can’t hurt though