Team Untracked has scored Triumphs
Team Untracked scored a Triumph on “untracked” with the following actions:
* Remove the $$ from The Bank (2 Tools of the Trade)
* Turn “flavour” into “favour” in The Bank (Tools of the Trade)
* Copy “orphan” into The Bank (JD does a Treasurer action)
* Turn “orphan” into “untracked” (Brendan does a Brains action)
Congratulate this team for a long but successful road to getting this done!
JonathanDark: he/him
I did not change Raven1207’s Triumphs because, while we suspect he was the Spy, I don’t have definitive proof, so I don’t know which way to change his Triumphs.
Ais, please change Raven’s Triumphs according to what you know. Or let us know if the Spy was someone else or none at all.