Proposal: Teamwork
Timed out and failed, 6-4. Josh
Adminned at 14 Dec 2006 01:57:09 UTC
Create a new dynastic rule entitled “Teams” with the text:
There are several teams an Olympian may be a member of. An Olympian may become a member of a team if e is not a member of any team. An Olympian may remove emself from eir team if e has been a member of that team for at least 48 hours. An Olympian may be removed from a team at any time by that team’s captain. The team an Olympian is a member of is shown in the GNDT, along with any position e has in the team (in the format Team:Position). An Olympian may have only one position in a team.
Each team has one or more positions. All teams have the position of Captain. A team’s Captain is appointed by the Coach from all members of that team. Any other positions in a team are appointed by the team’s captain from all members of the team. The number of Olympians that may have that position is recorded next to the name of the position.List of Teams
a.k.a. Soccer in some countries
Positions: Captain (1)
Goalkeeper (1)
Striker (1)
Midfielder (3)
Back (3)
Foreward (2)
Add a GNDT column “Team”
Teams could be used for events where the medals recieved depend on different checks for different positions. I don’t want to work out the mechanics of it until some of the other proposals pass.
Josh: he/they