Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Proposal: Technopoly

Vetoed.  Brendan

Adminned at 14 Jun 2007 03:15:15 UTC

Modify the rule “Facilities” to read:

Each Corporation has a Production value, calculated from other parts of the gamestate.

All Corporations begin with one Office and one Factory.

Modify the rule “Production” to read as follows:

Each Product shall be listed on the ‘Products’ wiki page. Each product has a Production Right, which is a list of one or more Corporations, or the phrase ‘Public Domain’. Each product has a Developer, which is the name of a Corporation or ‘none’. Each product may also have zero or more attributes.

Each Corporation’s Inventory section should contain a clear statement about how it is allocating its production. If it does not, that Corporation may add such a statement at any time, following any requirements for reallocating production. Each Corporation may reallocate its Production at any time, as long as it follows the following requirements:

  * Each Product must be either declared a Public Domain product or one for which e is listed in the Production Rights.
  * The amount of Production allocated to each Product must be a natural number. i.e. an integer greater than or equal to 0.
  * The total amount allocated must not exceed eir Production.

Often, the Government may Advance Time. To do so, for each Corporation and each Product that company has allocated Production to, he adds an amount to that of that Product for that Corporation equal to the Production that Company allocated to that Product. When adding Products in this fashion, the effects of that Product’s attributes are taken into account, and may supersede the amount of Product added. This is called ‘Producing’.

The current amount of each product owned by each Corporation shall be tracked in that Corporation’s section on the Inventory wiki-page, with the exception of Cash, which is tracked in the GNDT.

Remove all current sub-rules of Production

Transfer Offices and Factories to the Inventory page

Add the following products to the ‘Products’ wiki-page:

Production Right: Public Domain
Developer: None
Attributes: Plentiful x4

Production Right: Public Domain
Developer: None
Attributes: Costly x2, Producing, Limited (Office)

Production Right: Public Domain
Developer: None
Attributes: Costly

Research Lab
Production Right: Public Domain
Developer: None
Attributes: Costly x2, Maintenance

Add a sub-rule to production entitled “Attributes” with this text:

There exists a wiki-page called ‘Attributes’. Each Attribute is listed on the wiki-page.

Often, a Corporation may pay $5M and roll DICE:X in the GDNT, where X is the number of Attributes on the Attributes page. Counting down from the top of the Attributes page, the Corporation adds the Attribute that corresponds to the die-roll to their Inventory. A list of all Attributes owned by a Corporation is tracked on the Inventory page. Corporations may own multiple copies of the same Attribute, and multiple corporations may own copies of the same Attribute.

Add a sub-rule to Production entitled “Research & Development” with the text:

Occasionally, a Corporation may conduct R&D by making a post to the blog. To do so, they must specify a name for a new product, and may specify and remove up to X Attributes from their inventory, where X is the number of Research Labs that Corporation controls. Each other Corporation may one time during the next 24 hours post a comment to that blog post specifying and removing one Attribute from their inventory.
After 24 hours, a new Product is added to the Products page. It’s Developer and Production Rights are set to the name of the Corporation that made the blog post, and it is given each attribute specified in that blog post and its comments.

Specifying and removing an Attribute as described in this rule is known as ‘Playing’ that Attribute.

Add a sub-rule to Production entitled “Production Rights” with the text:

The Corporation listed as a Developer of a product may modify the Production Rights of that Product at any time by making a blog post. The Production Rights may be set to any list of one or more Corporations, or to the phrase “Public Domain”.

The Developer of a product may make voluntarily change the Developer of that product to any other Corporation by making a blog post. If they do, they cease to be the Developer of that product.

Add the following to the Attributes wiki-page:

When this Product is Produced, an extra copy of this product is added to the same Corporation.

When this Product is Produced, the Corporation it is produced for loses $5M

When the government Advances Time, the Corporation that owns this product loses $5M

When this is played, specify a Product. When the government Advances Time, the Corporation that owns this product loses 1 of that Product, if they have a positive amount of that product.

The Corporation that owns this Product has its Production value increased by 1.

When this is played, specify a Product. Any Corporation that owns more of this product then 2 times the amount of the specified Product that they own destroys any of this Product in excess of that number.

When this is played, specify a Product. Whenever this Corporation must remove or destroy one of the specified Products from its inventory, it may destroy one of this product instead.

Whenever a Corporation other than the Developer produces this Product, $1M is transferred from that Corporation to the Developer.

Add a rule titled “Free-Market” with the text:

A Corporation may at any time transfer one or more Products and/or Attributes it controls to another Corporation by making a blog post.

I selected a few attributes to get us started. My hope is that others would add more attributes, either robbing them from Technopoly, or devising new and interesting ones.



13-06-2007 16:16:03 UTC

1)This proposal linearizes all Production.  The old Production system was non-linear so that calculating the optimal production level is not as trivial.
2)There is an ambiguity regarding the trading of Synthetic goods.  If I give Kevan 3 Factories, can I remove 3 Synthetic-factories from my Inventory instead?
3)The new system fails to fix any of the problems with the old.

Brendan: he/him

13-06-2007 16:21:06 UTC

against As this would completely undo “Soulless again” and can’t be edited now.


13-06-2007 16:25:14 UTC



13-06-2007 16:26:35 UTC

The old system was a calculation nightmare. And what are the problems with the old system that needed fixing? Let me know and I will re-propose.


13-06-2007 18:46:08 UTC

“Calculation Nightmare”?  Are square roots that difficult?  The only difficult part to calculate is Cash production with more than $25M produced per turn.

The main problem with the current system is that if a Corporation loses Production or Production Rights, e doesn’t have to change eir Production allocation and may continue to produce at eir old levels.  Also, it doesn’t specify which way to round.

Brendan’s objection is strong enough to warrent a veto , but the others should be fixed if you repropose.


13-06-2007 20:54:54 UTC

I guess I just don’t see what is gained by using squares and roots in the calculations vs. using a linear system. It’s not that they can’t be calculated, it just seems there is enough complexity already without adding another factor.

Anyway, I will fix the other points you mention and re-propose this.