Proposal: Terraforming
Passes at 11-0. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 05 Apr 2010 06:56:23 UTC
If the Proposal titled “V-P-L; P” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Add to rule Tasks:
* Build Wall. The Colonist may spend 8 Energy and remove 2 Wood or 1 Rock from the stockpile to turn an empty space adjacent to his location into a Wall if there are no Colonists in that Location.
* Build Door. The Colonist may spend 12 Energy and remove 2 Wood and 1 Rock from the stockpile to turn an empty space adjacent to his location into a Door.
* Dig Channel. The Colonist may spend 16 Energy to turn an empty space adjacent to his location into a Channel if there are no Colonists in that Location.
Add to rule The Settlement:
A group of connected Locations enclosed by Walls, Doors and/or Rock is known as a Room. If any single Location would be in more than one Room, only the largest counts as a Room. If a Location is in a Room, that Location is Indoors. Otherwise, it is Outside.
Rewrite the rule Locations into the following:
Special effects of certain Locations shall be listed at the end of this rule.
* Bed: A Colonist who is Indoors and in a Bed may set his Energy to 150 instead of 100 when resting.
* Channel: If a Channel is Adjacent to Water, it turns into Water.
In rule Tasks, Add to the task “Chop Wood”:
Whenever a Colonist Chops Wood, they must roll a DICE3, and on a 1 turn a Large Tree adjacent to their Location into an Empty Space.
In the settlement map, add ‘O Wall’ and ‘_ Channel’ to the legend as an Occupied location, and ‘+ Door’ as an Empty location.
But Large Trees should become Small Trees…