Proposal: That Coffin Sound
Self-killed. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 11 Jun 2021 18:54:52 UTC
Add a subrule to “The Crypt of Dracula” called “Sepulchres”:-
If a room is named “X’s Sepulchre”, where X is the name of a Vampire Lord, then it is that Lord’s Sepulchre. If a Lord’s Sepulchre does not contain a Feature that includes the word “Consecrates”, and/or there is not an orthogonally-connected path of Explored rooms from room E4 to the Sepulchre, then any Vampire Lord may collapse that Sepulchre, making it Unexplored.
Whenever Richardo von Nestor Consecrates a Sepulchre, its Lord loses 1 Puissance.
Add a Feature to the list in “Features”:-
Richardo von Nestor Consecrates this room. (+1)
In “Vampire Lords”, after “Each Vampire Lord has a Puissance, which is a publicly tracked non-negative integer that defaults to 10.”, add:-
If a Vampire Lord’s Puissance would go above 10 (or 15 if that Lord has a Sepulchre) then it instead becomes that value.
I like Josh’s “individual coffin room as an expensive insurance policy” idea. Setting up a Sepulchre gives you a higher Puissance cap, but is bad news if Richardo finds it.
Clucky: he/himIdle
Maybe instead of “is not orthogonally adjacent to another explored room” go with something like “there is not a path from the entrance to the Sepulchre”? That would stop multiple vampires from putting their Sepulchre’s next to each other.