Saturday, April 01, 2023

Proposal: That Guy Who Topples Your Tower For No Reason

Passes 8-0. - Misty

Adminned at 03 Apr 2023 13:31:48 UTC

If Proposal: Underlay, Underlay, A Rebar, A Rebar was not enacted, skip the rest of this proposal.

Create a new dynastic rule named “Threat” with the following body:

The Threat is a publicly tracked list of values in the format “X, Y, Z” that may contain up to three items.

As a Weekly Communal Action, an Engineer or the City Architect may Trigger, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Starting from the leftmost item, carry out the effect of the Disaster corresponding to the item in the list once for every item.
* Blank the Threat
* Randomly select a Disaster and add its name to the Threat. Repeat this step until the list has three items.

A Disaster consists of a Name, an Effect and a Description (which is flavor text). The Disasters are listed in the table below:

{| class=“wikitable sortable”
! Name || Effect || Description
| Saboteur | Randomly select a Block that isn’t _ and set it to _ | Hey, who took this block out?
| Earthquake | Randomly select 3 Blocks and Weaken them | At least it didn’t collapse immediately…

In the rule “The Building”, subrule Integrity, change “A Block’s Integrity is calculated as follows: (Support) - (Height), plus or minus (Pressure)” to:

A Block’s Integrity is calculated as follows: (Support) - (Height) - (10 if it is Weakened), plus or minus (Pressure)

In the rule “The Building”, append the following paragraph to the end of the subrule Integrity:

A Block may be Weakened by another action if it does not contain a _. When this happens, change the letter representing the Block item from upper case to lower case. If it is already Weakened as displayed by a lower case letter, change it to _.

I’m aware there’s currently no incentive to actually Trigger, but I can’t think of anything right now so this is what we get
values could probably use a little tweaking but we’ll see


JonathanDark: he/him

01-04-2023 15:11:56 UTC

I had an idea for why anyone would want to Trigger: to increase the potential payout of an Inspection or to make the Building so unstable that the next Engineer is likely to get counted for an Accident.

Lulu: she/her

01-04-2023 15:15:48 UTC

I don’t think Integrity scores can be modified like that?

JonathanDark: he/him

01-04-2023 16:22:46 UTC

Yeah, Integrity is a calculation, so you’d have to mark a Block as affected by the Earthquake somehow. How about this?

Earthquake | Randomly select 3 Blocks and mark them as Weakened | At least it didn’t collapse immediately…

In the subrule Integrity add:

“A Block may be Weakened by another action if it does not contain a _. When this happens, change the letter representing the Block item from upper case to lower case. If it is already Weakened as displayed by a lower case letter, change it to _”

“A Block’s Integrity is calculated as follows: (Support) - (Height) - (10 if it is Weakened), plus or minus (Pressure)”

lendunistus: he/him

01-04-2023 16:38:02 UTC

@JD done
first step of the trigger action is probably scammable but I can’t be arsed to come up with better wording

Lulu: she/her

01-04-2023 17:56:34 UTC


Brendan: he/him

01-04-2023 18:22:32 UTC



02-04-2023 00:06:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-04-2023 11:16:22 UTC


jjm3x3: he/him

02-04-2023 13:22:46 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

02-04-2023 16:20:20 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

03-04-2023 03:54:20 UTC
