Monday, May 22, 2017

Proposal: The Ancient One

Reached against quorum. 1-7 Failed by card.

Adminned at 23 May 2017 18:00:18 UTC

Create a section called “The Ancient One”, within it, add:

The Ancient One is an entity which has a location. That location is a certain Rule in the Dynastic Ruleset. Where the Ancient One currently is located is tracked in the Ruleset with the following string: “~~?” followed by the following string: “~~”. Such a marker is also known as the Ancient One’s avatar. (When the Ancient One’s avatar is inside the rule text of a Rule, it is considered that the Ancient One is located at that Rule.)

The Ancient One is able to Roar, causing all text content of the Rule it is located at (except for the Ancient One’s avatar and the Rule’s title) to be warped according to a Rot13 method of encryption. The Ancient One cannot Roar when it’s inside this Rule.


“This is the Ruleset for BlogNomic; all Explorers shall obey it.” -> “Guvf vf gur Ehyrfrg sbe OybtAbzvp; nyy Rkcyberef funyy borl vg.”



Oracular rufio:

22-05-2017 21:30:22 UTC

No.  against


22-05-2017 21:59:03 UTC

I feel conflicted about this, since it’s meta and it’s Lovecraft, which I like both, but I still have a bad feeling about it.


22-05-2017 22:08:48 UTC

Does a rot13-ened rule still apply? It does still “say” something.


22-05-2017 22:40:44 UTC

If it somehow has meaning, I believe so. However if its just jibberish then I believe that it would just mean nothing.

IF the argument for that the Rot-13’d rule means something is that it has meaning via it being readable by a language that is defined as “English, but Rot13’d”, then why couldn’t I just read the rules in any arbitrary language I make up too? What would make “English, but Rot13’d” special in particular?

But yeah, also, this is definitely an extremely aggressive rule (potentially, if given an outlet). I agree with that caution is a good idea, but I also believe that it would be exciting (and feel looming and dangerous like a real lovecrafting horror!) because of it’s extreme nature (and it’s just limited to the Dynastic Rules anyway, no world-ending Core Rules messing).


22-05-2017 22:53:34 UTC

Vs lbh’er pheeragyl ernqvat naq haqrefgnaqvat guvf, gurer’f fbzrguvat fcrpvny nobhg “Ratyvfu, ohg ebg13rq” gung znxrf vg qvfgvapg sebz na neovgenel ynathntr, fhpu nf gur bar orybj.

Yberz vcfhz qbybe fvg nzrg, pbafrpgrghe nqvcvfpvat ryvg, frq qb rvhfzbq grzcbe vapvqvqhag hg ynober rg qbyber zntan nyvdhn.


22-05-2017 22:57:47 UTC


Oracular rufio:

22-05-2017 23:29:57 UTC

The game gets more interesting when you add rules.  Arbitrarily repealing rules can only make it more boring or more exploitable.

pokes, logically there will be different letter frequencies and common letter sequences, but English in rot13 looks exactly like Latin in rot13 to me, since I am not a computer program, and has exactly the same information content.


22-05-2017 23:37:06 UTC

Definitely. That’s why I’ve made this “villainous” being have the power to do something as villainous as destroying part of the game.

That’s what makes him evil!

Although I agree with that it would very convenient to keep him at bay and perhaps make him only use his power once or twice ever in the dynasty or something, to not make it too overbearing.

Oracular rufio:

22-05-2017 23:50:05 UTC

Villains have to be interesting, too, not just evil.  Besides, we already know you’re just going to use this to destroy the entire ruleset so we have to start the dynasty over again.


22-05-2017 23:53:41 UTC

Not only that, but steal from babies too.

Oracular rufio:

22-05-2017 23:58:27 UTC

Nah, I’m sure someone gets some enjoyment out of stealing from babies.


23-05-2017 00:07:32 UTC



23-05-2017 00:57:00 UTC



23-05-2017 04:50:25 UTC

against the Ancient one doesn’t have to be a villain, it could just be evil.


23-05-2017 07:12:08 UTC

against it’s too extreme for now. Although Cthulhu and his friends are pretty much just evil incarnate.


23-05-2017 13:36:39 UTC



23-05-2017 17:53:21 UTC

I like the idea of an entity residing in a rule. Very creative. ut garbling rules sounds like trouble. against