Friday, May 08, 2009

Story Post: The Awkward Aftermath

This is what it all comes down to. Many of you have written various scripting masterpieces. Now, we shall all look upon the Finale’s Scenes, and each of us shall select a Scene to recognise as the best, and shall declare their choice via the data tracker.

And the person with the most votes in, say, about a week will be declared the Finale Winner.

(There is clearly no stage between the first and second paragraph. There is clearly going to be no underhanded dealings with your ill-gotten gains. There is clearly going to be no requirement to make your plans for a stage of blackmail, deceit and good honest bribery in approximately 3 days time. There is clearly no detailed description of the workings of such sub-systems, detailed in the rule linked below.


May the best Finale Scene Scripter win.

- The Producer

NOTE: The Bribery Phase has begun. (The Voting Phase has ended.)



08-05-2009 18:49:26 UTC

Hmmm, I like Bucky’s scene. Reminds me of Star Wars.


09-05-2009 11:27:58 UTC

I like Wakukee’s it is very good the final betrayal.


10-05-2009 22:42:02 UTC

The Producer declares the Bribery Phase has begun. The rules are linked in the main post. Let’s keep this as clean as corruption can be.


10-05-2009 23:11:31 UTC

S***. I was away from home and didn’t get to vote.


10-05-2009 23:13:15 UTC

It’s ok, your vote can still be bribed (and I’m sure it would have been, anyway).

Kevan: he/him

10-05-2009 23:24:44 UTC

Is Devenger misreading, or am I? I paid 4 to bribe him, and updated his Bribe Value to 9 (4+1+4). He corrected it to 13, assuming that I’d forgotten to add the 4. But in Rule, you “increase the Recipient’s Bribe Value to the Royalties they spent to make the bribe, plus 1, plus their own Popularity statistic”. Not “increase by”. Or am I missing something?


10-05-2009 23:37:50 UTC

I misread it.  I’ve reverted my revert.

Kevan: he/him

10-05-2009 23:40:16 UTC

Oh, Bucky, not Devenger. I thought that was odd, given that it was his own rule. Okay then.


10-05-2009 23:45:22 UTC

Hey Devenger, are you planning to end the Bribery phase as soon as you can? Or do you plan to wait on it?


11-05-2009 09:09:00 UTC

Qwaz: I plan to end the Bribery Phase somewhere within the 72 and 96 hour range within which only I can end it. I won’t say more than that, because it could significantly affect player’s bribing tactics.


11-05-2009 14:36:04 UTC

Ok, fair enough. Thank you.

Kevan: he/him

13-05-2009 17:30:55 UTC

Oh, looks like I misread “X is at least the Recipient’s Bribe Value” as “X is the Recipient’s Bribe Value”, and was expecting this to be a game of leapfrog.

Well played, Ais.

Kevan: he/him

13-05-2009 17:36:47 UTC

Ah, it looks like I mean “well played, four-man-voting-bloc”, looking at the GNDT log a little more closely.


13-05-2009 18:01:20 UTC

For the sakes of using unused material:

veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto  veto


13-05-2009 20:10:42 UTC

Oh, I misread that too.


13-05-2009 20:15:19 UTC

I become active the moment this dynasty ends, unless i have to do that in a new blog post.


14-05-2009 04:46:51 UTC

Omg, another historical Blognomicker, Quazie! You’ve been around since, what, the First Dynasty of TrumanCapote?


14-05-2009 08:54:39 UTC

The Producer declares the dynasty has left the Bribery Stage. As a consequence of this, we have achieved Movie Completion.

ais523 is the Finale Winner.


14-05-2009 14:15:25 UTC

Qwazukee yeah i had some good exploits that dynasty, but i may have been around since even before that.  After my muffiny dynasty I didn’t blognomic for a while, but now I’m back.


14-05-2009 18:24:16 UTC

Welcome back, Quazie.  Hopefully, you no longer wish to stab me in the eye with a fork.


14-05-2009 19:08:23 UTC

We are no longer muffins.  I can’t promise no eye-poking though.  Maybe i’ll try to get that into every dynasty from now on….