The Bargaining Table
We’re in Endgame Lockdown now, and the most likely path forward is to end the dynasty by awarding victory through a roll in the Dice Roller. For the newer folks, this would be done by making each face of the die the name of an Engineer. Some Engineers may deserve to have more that one face on that die, to give them better odds of their name coming up in the roll. What counts as “deserved” and how much it should count is the subject that should be discussed here.
Someone could just put up a Proposal with starting numbers, but rather than waste time with back-and-forth that will likely exceed the 4-hour edit window, maybe we can hash out a rough agreement in this thread first and then have a Proposal posted based on the discussion.
Reply in the comments with your thoughts on a fair distribution of die faces. A flat distribution for everyone, such as {Brendan,Habanero,jjm3x3,JonathanDark,Josh,Kevan,redtara,summai,Taiga,Titanic}, is not likely to be agreed upon, so some other distribution giving certain Engineers more faces is needed.
JonathanDark: he/him
My starting recommendation, just for opening the discussion. The merits of the numbers I chose are very debatable, but it’s a starting point:
Brendan x2 (8%)
Habanero x0 (0%)
jjm3x3 x1 (4%)
JonathanDark x0 (0%)
Josh x15 (60%)
Kevan x5 (20%)
redtara x0 (0%)
summai x0 (0%)
Taiga x2 (8%)
Titanic x0 (0%)