Proposal: The Basics
Passes 16-1 with quorum -Bucky
Adminned at 17 May 2011 20:27:17 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule titled “Joint Owners” with the following text:
Galtori is considered to be the “Wife” and cannot achieve victory in the current dynasty. Any admin may repeal this rule after the start of a new dynasty.
Add a new dynastic rule titled “Sun” with the following text:
Each Farmer has an amount of Sun that is tracked in the GNDT. Farmers start with 0 Sun. As a weekly action, a Farmer may Harvest by adding 100 to his Sun.
Add a new dynastic rule titled “Farmland” with the following text:
Each Farmer has a Plot that is tracked on the Garden Patch wiki page. Each Plot starts as a 6 by 6 grid of Squares. Each Square start out empty. The Landlord or the Wife may alter any Squares in a Farmer’s Plot at any time but should make a post to the blog detailing why they made such an action.
The Shade of a Square is a number that refers to the distance from that Square to the top row of the Farmer’s Plot to which it belongs.
Revert all changes to the Garden Patch wiki page since this proposal was posted.
Ok, the reason for making Galtori essentially a co-emperor is because this whole dynasty idea is her brainchild, but she wanted me to help her since she’s not very good (yet) at the legal part of it.