Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Proposal: The Beast of Blackwater Bay

Reached Quorum, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 31 Jul 2024 23:10:30 UTC

Create a subrule of “The Sea Chart” entitled “Blackwater Beast”, containing the following text:

There exists a Blackwater Beast, whose location on the Sea Chart is privately tracked by the Elder Judge. There is an atomic action called Moving the Beast which only the Elder Judge can perform, and consists of the following steps:

* Change the Beast’s location to a non-Shore cell that is adjacent to its current location, selected privately at random. For the purposes of this rule, an adjacent cell is one that is a single horizontal, vertical, or diagonal step away.
* Roll 1DICE2. On a 1, the Beast Bellows.
* If the Beast Bellows, then the Beast’s location at the time of the Bellow is revealed on the Sea Chart and any Fishing Contestants on or adjacent to the Beast’s location gain 2 Madness. Fishing Contestants who are located on Shore cells are unaffected by the Beast’s Bellow.
* Make a Story Post on the blog explaining whether the Beast Bellowed and whether any Fishing Contestants were affected.

If the Elder Judge has not set the Beast’s initial location, then they should do so by randomly selecting a non-Shore cell and revealing its initial location on the Sea Chart. If it has been over 44 hours since the last time the Elder Judge has Moved the Beast or set the Beast’s initial location, then they should Move the Beast at their earliest convenience.


SingularByte: he/him

30-07-2024 20:55:11 UTC

One thing I’m cautious of here is that the reason that “Sight Disturbances” is being made communal is to not put all the pressure on the emperor. Adding another frequent action onto his duties again might be going in the wrong direction.

JonathanDark: he/him

30-07-2024 21:16:09 UTC

I think the problem with Sight Disturbances is that it was required to be a Daily Action. This one might be slightly less burdensome being required only every 44 hours.

It would be good if @darknight could comment on whether or not he feels like he could do this every 44 hours, or if he would need a larger time interval. I may just vote to defer to him, as I do like the idea on its own.

Darknight: he/him

30-07-2024 21:20:17 UTC

Could the time be changed to 48 hrs to avoid it slowly slipping backwards and risk triggering while I’m asleep?

JonathanDark: he/him

31-07-2024 00:33:45 UTC


I added a patch in another Proposal to change this to 48 hours.

Darknight: he/him

31-07-2024 00:50:08 UTC



31-07-2024 03:55:49 UTC

Oh, my intent was to give Darknight some wiggle room in case it’s more convenient to take the action a little bit earlier than the 2-day mark, rather than imply that he should do it every 44 hours on the dot. But I guess “should” already has some built-in wiggle room, and the 48 hour version is clearer when it’s generally intended to happen.

SingularByte: he/him

31-07-2024 07:11:14 UTC
