Thursday, March 05, 2015

Proposal: The Big One

Timed out 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. The Season becomes Autumn and we must wait until a Festival to enact further proposals.

Adminned at 07 Mar 2015 20:47:51 UTC

For ease of reading, this proposal is broken down in several Parts. This fact shall be ignored when enacting this proposal.

Part 0: Let’s Get It Out of the Way
Move the text

Any Townsperson that has a Workplace may throw out their trash by removing X non-Human, non-Plague Things from their Home (Where X is a positive integer). If they do so, they must then roll DICE20 Y times and give themselves a number of Plagues equal to the number of 1s they rolled, where Y is 2X if the Townsperson is a Farmer, Y is 0 if the Townsperson is a Clerk, and Y is X if the Townsperson is neither a Farmer nor a Clerk.

from Rule Workplaces to a new Dynastic Rule called “Trash”.

Part 1: Back in the DHSS and Back Again (implementing Acumen)
In the rule “Workplaces”, add a new paragraph after the first:

Each Townsperson without a Workplace may have an Acumen, tracked as a number in the Workplace field. If any Townsperson has neither a Workplace nor an Acumen, they are considered Feckless. If any Townspeople are Feckless, then any Townsperson may roll a separate DICE99 for each Feckless Townsperson (in the order that they are listed in the GNDT), and then set each Feckless Townperson’s Acumen to the value rolled for them.

Replace “At any time, a Townsperson may change their Workplace to any Workplace listed in this rule.” with:-

If a Townsperson has an Acumen and it is the highest (or tied highest) Acumen of all Townspeople with no Workplace, that Townsperson may change their Workplace to any Workplace listed in this rule. If a Townsperson has an Acumen and it is the highest (or tied highest) Acumen of all Townspeople with no Workplace, and if they have had the highest Acumen for 24 hours or more, any Townsperson may change that Townsperson’s Workplace to any Workplace listed in this rule.

Then replace “If no Townsperson has done so during the current Season, and if at least a Quorum of Townspeople have Workplaces, then any Townsperson may call a Day of Observance.” with:

If every Townsperson has a Workplace, then any Townsperson may call a Day of Observance.

Remove the Bailiff role, and add to that rule, immediately after the bulleted list:

Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance removes the Workplace and Acumen of every Townsperson.

Part 2: Seasonal Adjustment and Forever Autumn (Seasons change with Days of Observance)
Remove the sentences “At 11.59pm UTC on each Sunday, the Season progresses, changing to the Season listed immediately below the current Season in the list above (or returning to Spring if the current Season is Winter).” and “If this item is inaccurate, any Admin may update it to correctly reflect the current Season.” from the rule “The Almanac”.

In the rule “Workplaces”, Immediately after “Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance removes the Workplace and Acumen of every Townsperson.”, add:

Then, the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance should post a blog entry announcing it, and mentioning the end of the current Season. Such posts are Nigh by default. If a blog post of this type is Nigh, any admin may update the Season in the sidebar (changing it to the Season listed immediately below the current Season in The Almanac, or returning to Spring if the current Season is Winter) and mention this in a comment on that blog post; upon doing so, the post ceases to be Nigh.

Upon enactment of this rule, the current Season shall become the Season listed immediately below the current Season in The Almanac (or shall become Spring if the current Season is Winter).

Part 3: Seasonal Affective Order (We enact proposals during Festivals)
Add a new bullet point to the list in the rule entitled “Vocabulary”:

The 48 hour period following each Day of Observance is referred to as the Seasonal Festival period.

In the rule entitled “Pace”, change the words “on a Saturday or Sunday” to “during a Seasonal Festival”.

Add the following to the end of the rule entitled “Horoscopes”:

The relative order of Constellations in Birth Signs is significant. A Constellation may occupy one of thee Sign Positions, as follows: the first Constellation in any Townsperson’s Birth Sign is their Distaff Sign, the middle Constellation is their Flax Sign and the final Constellation is their Spindle Sign.

Part 4: Colder Readings (Fate and Readings for the Astrologer)
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled Readings:

All Townspersons have a statistic called Fate, which is tracked in the GNDT and which defaults to zero.

Once during each Seasonal Festival period, the Astrologer should make a Readings post, which should take the format of a story post. The Readings post should set out a Prediction for each Constellation in each Sign Position. The Astrologer’s method of making these Readings should not be random, but should also not be made public.

Predictions may require the change, addition or removal of any gamestate value, or may make no requirement at all.

Before making each Reading, the Astrologer should evaluate their previous Reading, and adjust the Fate of each Townsperson accordingly. For each Townsperson, they should assess whether the requirements set out in the Predictions for the Constellation / Sign Position pairings in their Birth Signs have been met. For each Prediction that has been met, a Townsperson gains 1 Fate. For each Prediction that has not been met, a Townsperson loses 1 Fate. If a Townsperson has not met any of their Predictions, they neither gain nor lose Fate.

I’ve quite mindlessly merged the Proposals from Well, that shortened the Queue.
I’ve read it some times, and it makes sense to me, but please read it all and check for errors.



05-03-2015 18:45:27 UTC

for Without having read all of it yet, just as a thank you and as trust in the other readers.

I will cautiously read it tomorrow. :-)


06-03-2015 08:26:36 UTC

No one?

I have read it all now and not found something profoundly wrong with it. (UPDATE: After writing this, I have found something maybe wrong with it.)

Maybe a small fix, or clarification, would be nice for part 2, since there’s a period of time in which a season has ended, but it doesn’t say that another season has started. In fact, after a DoO, we know that the season displayed has ended and we know that there has to be a season, but it’s nowhere specified which season until an admin “updates” the sidebar.

Actually, considering the wording, there’s maybe a bigger problem: If the season ended with the Nigh blogpost, there is no “current season”, right? Thus, how can an admin determine the new season that is to be put to the blog’s sidebar, since it’s determined by the “current season”?

I know what’s implied by the rule and what the author of it WANTS, but is this a problem?

Therefore, for now, CoV imperial

Josh: he/they

06-03-2015 09:19:19 UTC

for I’m inclined to pass and fix.

Kevan: he/him

06-03-2015 09:31:27 UTC

for Can pass and fix over the weekend, so long as somebody writes that fix today.

Kevan: he/him

06-03-2015 11:55:09 UTC

Per comments on mideg’s fix, I don’t think there is “a period of time in which a season has ended, but it doesn’t say that another season has started” after all, so we don’t need a fix. A player “mentioning the end of the current Season” does not end the Season.


06-03-2015 12:08:46 UTC

CoV for per Kevan.

He’s right, the sidebar seems to be gamestate with the changes in this Proposal, thus the admin handling the Nigh-status changes the season.

Brendan: he/him

06-03-2015 17:51:54 UTC



07-03-2015 02:32:14 UTC



07-03-2015 08:14:49 UTC



07-03-2015 11:43:22 UTC

I just noticed that upon enactment of the Big One, we’ll switch to Autumn without resetting our Workplaces, and within 48 hours we’ll find ourselves in Winter.
Fasten your seatbelts.


07-03-2015 12:07:56 UTC

Winter is coming!

Sorry, I had to!

Darknight: he/him

07-03-2015 18:35:58 UTC
