Proposal: The Blown Ultimatum
Timed out and failed-Darknight
Adminned at 03 Oct 2008 11:10:11 UTC
Create sub-rule “Dragon Roar” under rule “Moves”:
The dragon makes a powerful thundering roar that makes its foe tremble. Choose a stat (except Heartbeat) then roll XDICE2, where X is the number of stats (including Heartbeat) that your Dragon has over 10. The chosen stat for the opponents dragon is decreased by that amount. The effect lasts until the end of battle, or until you use Dragon Roar again (whichever happens first).
Create sub-rule “Dragon Ultimate” under rule “Moves”:
Each Dragon can use its Dragon Ultimate move once per battle only, and never during the first three turns of battle. The attacker performs an effect that depends on it’s color as follows:
Black - The black dragon uses its enormous physical prowess and a venomous bite to drain life out of the opponent and deal crushing damage. Deals 1DICE10 damage plus Muscle, ignoring Scales. The attacker regains Heartbeat equal to the damage dealt.
Silver - The silver dragon creates a barrier of magic that reflects back damage. The attacker recovers half the Heartbeat lost last turn (rounded up), and the opponent takes that much damage. Then, prevent that much of the damage the attacker would take next turn.
Green - The green dragon stares at the enemy’s eyes, paralizing the opponent. The attacker gains Muscle +3 and Scales +3 until the end of the battle, then the opponent skips its next 1DICE2 turns and all current affects of Dragon Flights are cancelled.
Red - The red dragon engulfs itself in flames, allowing it to use Dragon Flame every turn for it’s next 1 + 1DICE3 turns. Until the effect expires, Dragon Flame attacks deal no damage to it and the damage dealt to the opponent cannot be reduced by any effect except its Scales.
Purple - The pruple dragon plays tricks on the enemy to confuse it. Your next 2 turns, you may use both a special action and a Move on the same turn. This Move does not end the turn when its used (allowing it to make one extra move or special action the same turn).