Thursday, July 02, 2020

Proposal: The Chips Are Down

Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1 vote to 6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Jul 2020 14:25:34 UTC

Enact a new rule, “No More Bets”:-

BlogNomic is on Hiatus.

A proposal on Monday to make it possible to win any further rounds of this game timed out and failed, with no counter-proposals. Of the four proposals made in the past week, three were from me and one was requesting adminship in the Wordpress game.

Have people given up on this metadynasty in favour of the Wordpress one? (I appreciate that Pokes is keen to lock in the status quo while they have the most Plaques.)


Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 09:39:30 UTC

imperial The WP game isn’t going great guns either.

Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 09:59:45 UTC

Actually COV against Given that haitus makes it illegal to submit proposals and doesn’t stop the clock on player idling out I’d prefer to keep things ticking along with players being able to make maintenance votes. At the very least, I think we should institute a best practice of not voting for proposals that put the game into hiatus without an explicit and defined set of exit criteria that will automatically take the game out of haitus when the proximate cause is resolved.

I will also just flag for the record that this situation is exactly why we decided to have a throwaway metadynasty in the first place.

Kevan: he/him

02-07-2020 10:59:47 UTC

Yeah, it was also pointed out that two dynasties would spread players’ interest too thinly, which is maybe happening as well. Have we even decided which metadynasty winner we’re expecting to lead the first proper Wordpress dynasty? (I haven’t been keeping up with the Slack chat or the Wordpress blog.) I can see how playing through more of this dynasty could feel pointless when there’s the risk of an energised quorum of Wordpress players drifting back at any moment with a “we’re ready, Clucky won our game, end this dynasty with no winner” proposal.

If by “maintenance votes” you mean core amendments, the Wordpress game is working on its own Core ruleset, and that’s presumably the one that the next full dynasty will be using. There’s not much point doing any core maintenance to the EE ruleset.

I like the best practice Hiatus idea. I guess it’s implicitly “BlogNomic is on hiatus until the Switch occurs and ends this dynasty”, here, which doesn’t matter whether we write it down or not.

Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 11:20:20 UTC

My “maintenance votes” I really mean any vote cast to prevent one from becoming idle.

I disagree that the WP core ruleset will become the main ruleset de facto; in fact I would strongly oppose that. I think that the main BN ruleset should be the core ruleset going forward, with a proposal to merge any core amendments into the main ruleset being necessary here before the switch is finalised.

I’ve been thinking of ways that we could enshrine that the next “full” dynasty takes both the winner here and the winner there into account, but when all is said and done, this is still the main trunk of BlogNomic; whatever happens over there is an offshoot. The next Emperor of BlogNomic must be the one recognised by this ruleset, so any victory mechanism proposed and achieved here would, I expect, be considered sovereign.

Tantusar: he/they

02-07-2020 11:45:16 UTC

I strongly disagree with the concept that WP core should not become the new main core. A lot of work has been done and is being done to shape that ruleset to reflect its platform, and to relitigate it would be nonsensical.

All that being said,  against , if only because I think people are holding back their ideas and I do wish they wouldn’t.


02-07-2020 12:31:52 UTC

I don’t really have a solid grasp on what the current raison d’etre is for either dynasty. Is this one a total throwaway, or helping determine the next WP dynasty? Is the WP dynasty supposed to be generating fun gameplay, or only for kicking the tires around and surfacing bugs?

Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 14:19:40 UTC

@Tantusar *Some* work has been done, but largely by 75th with little formal oversight. Merging some of the changes is very sensible but the second switch ruleset wasn’t passed on the basis of being a permanent replacement… If it had been of have voted against…

Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 14:20:04 UTC


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus: he/they

02-07-2020 15:00:52 UTC

against I’m in agreement with Tantusar regarding the rulesets. I would be open to holding a vote to approve it, but I think that the WP core ruleset is making changes to accommodate the platform.

Josh: he/they

02-07-2020 16:46:29 UTC

@Publius, Tantusaur

The Second Switch core rules currently have a bunch of things that wouldn’t make sense in the main game core rules. Such as:

“This is the Ruleset for the BlogNomic WordPress test”

“Any active Designer of the main BlogNomic game at may sign up for a BlogNomic WordPress test account, using the same name and email address they use at the main BlogNomic game, at”

“Admins at the main BlogNomic game shall become Admins of the BlogNomic WordPress test when they become a Designer of the BlogNomic WordPress test, unless they request otherwise. Designers of the main BlogNomic game who are not Admins there may not become Admins of the BlogNomic WordPress test.”

No-one’s saying that the changes to the core rules of the WP game should be discarded but the core rules to the WP game frankly read as if they themselves expect not to bethe main core rules going forward. In fact - the only substantive changes in the WP dynasty to the core rules so far are Tantusar’s Tags rework and the specification that EVCs have to be in top level comments; everything else is hedging to ensure that the WP rules don’t assert supremacy over the mainline Core Rules.


In a way, it doesn’t matter: whichever ruleset we use is going to have to be merged with the other, and that’s going to be a matter that has to be put to proposal, so the revised, new BlogNomic ruleset will inevitably be an amalgam of whatever changes here and whatever changes there. The argument here isn’t really about content, as content can be fixed either way. For me it’s about continuity of authority. I would argue that if we arbitrarily say that the WP rules are now the rules of BlogNomic and the extant, continuous rules of BlogNomic no longer are then we have effectively ended “old” BlogNomic and started a new BlogNomic, which could have all sorts of fun concequences (eg: Classical Conditioning no longer working). I think that any authority to play BlogNomic has to stem from its continuous ruleset and therefore that any formal measures needed to adapt and migrate that ruleset have to take place here, not there.

Darknight: he/him

02-07-2020 17:47:49 UTC


derrick: he/him

02-07-2020 18:26:01 UTC



03-07-2020 00:25:07 UTC

against Things may be slow, but they are still happening.