Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Proposal: The City Cannot See Us

Withdrawn. Josh

Adminned at 11 Aug 2023 09:12:01 UTC

Add a new rule to the ruleset, called The Crumpled Stateroom:

The Convener should create a private Discord channel in the BlogNomic Discussion category of the BlogNomic discord server, called “#crumbled_stateroom” to which all non-City Districts have access; if that channel does not exist then they may not take any dynastic actions except for the one that follows this statement in the same sentence; but if it does then they may delete this sentence from the ruleset, and replace it with the sentence “The Crumbled Stateroom is a Discord channel that can be found here:” with a direct link to that channel appended. The District named Josh is the Convener.

A District is considered to have access to the Crumpled Stateroom if they are a member of the BlogNomic Discord server and the permissions for that channel allow them access to it, or if they have been personally issued a live invitation link to the BlogNomic Discord server by the Convener. If any District does not have access to the Crumbled Stateroom then they may request it by making a post to that effect the BlogNomic blog. When the Convener has undertaken any actions necessary to give the requester access to the Crumpled Stateroom they should respond to that request post with a FOR mark. If 24 hours have elapsed without the Convener having given access to the requestor then the rest of this rule is flavour text until they have done so.

The Crumpled Stateroom is gamestate in its entirety and no District may post to it except as authorised by the ruleset.

The subrules to this rule detail data that is privately tracked by the Districts in the Crumpled Stateroom, and how that data can be changed.

Add a new subrule to the rule The Crumpled Stateroom, called The Benign Intrusion:

If the City has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, that vote is valid and can potentially be either FOR, AGAINST, or retain its DEFERENTIAL status (in which case it is resolved as per the Special Case rule Imperial Deferentials; in all other cases this rule has priority over that one). The current resolution status of the City’s Deferentials is referred to as the Deferential Resolution Status, and is privately tracked in the Crumpled Stateroom through the most recent Change of Deferential Status statement.

Each District has a Deferential Posture which is privately tracked in the Crumpled Stateroom in their most recent Change of Deferential Posture Statement. At any time, a District may make a Change of Deferential Posture Statement to the Crumpled Stateroom, which takes the format of “Change of Deferential Posture: x” where x is either FOR, AGAINST or DEFERENTIAL; once they have, their Deferential Posture changes to x. If there is a simple majority for any of the three options amongst expressed Deferential Postures then that position becomes the Deferential Resolution Status; if a District makes a Change of Deferential Posture Statement that changes the Deferential Resolution Status then they should immediately make a Change of Deferential Status statement, which takes the format of “Deferential Resolution Status Change: x” where x is the new Deferential Resolution Status.

The City cannot know how its perambulations will affect the world below.

NB that this would make it impossible for Kevan to resolve proposals where he has voted DEF without asking for a vote count in the Discord, which might be a fatal flaw but, idk, we do have quite a few admins at the moment and I wouldn’t have a problem appointing lendun and JD either if they want it.


Josh: he/they

09-08-2023 09:30:08 UTC

This might be too many words for what it’s doing. I just like the possibility space of a private gamestate that the emperor can’t see, and think there’s room for them to be an unknowing catalyst in an interesting way.

Kevan: he/him

09-08-2023 09:53:09 UTC

This would be great for a Malign Emperor dynasty, the kind of thing we got into a little with players trying to agree a private code in the Censorship Dynasty, and somebody snitching to the Emperor.

I’m not sure what it means for a dynasty with a Protective-style Emperor who’s predictably voting DEF on dynastic gameplay proposal, though. It feels like to continue to play in that style fairly I’d just switch to abstaining.

If the intention here is a dial that players can turn between “gameplay proposals are harder to pass” and “are easier to pass”, that seems like it could safely be a public one, perhaps cutting out my volition entirely by requiring me to vote FOR or AGAINST all dynastic proposals (while retaining a veto and the ability to vote freely on core).

Josh: he/they

09-08-2023 10:06:59 UTC

I think I’m thinking more in the ludonarrative space - the DEFs seem consistent with the idea of the City benignly perambulating on the horizon, a source of mysterious power and threat that impacts strangely without really knowing how. If this passes I’d hope you’d see it as an endorsement of continuing to vote DEF in situations where you feel that a FOR or AGAINST isn’t warranted; I assume that when considering your Protective side you’d be more likely to come off the fence on issues that dislodge game balance in any case.

The DEFs are just a trial balloon, though, in that I think it’s minimally intrusive: a vote of DEF from the emperor signals, to me, “I am not invested in the outcome enough to worry about how my vote affects the outcome”. You’re already expressing deference to the will of the players, why not have that deference just go a step further? I’d like to build this out such that other Imperial actions (the options issued in Dilemmas, say) impact upon Districts in unpredictable ways, and even make the City more of a game entity that can move about the game board, making choices whose impact they can’t know. The interaction points with Commons in particular seems rich to me.

lemon: she/her

09-08-2023 12:51:48 UTC

i’m intrigued by this!! it’s very weird (and could honestly be a strong basis for a dynasty in its own right), but this dynasty doesn’t quite feel like it’s ripe yet, and this would be an interesting way to have the one more game system i’ve been feeling is missing :O

Josh: he/they

09-08-2023 12:56:38 UTC

@lemon I thought about saving it to be the centerpiece of another dynasty but it can’t rely work in a dynasty where I’m the emperor!

Kevan: he/him

09-08-2023 13:55:45 UTC

Still not seeing why this needs to be hidden behind a locked door when the Emperor is not a Malign one.

Expanding secret gamestate to cover Dilemmas also seems unnecessary when I’m already generating them through blind dice rolls, rather than trying to outwit the Districts.


lemon: she/her

09-08-2023 13:57:51 UTC

i’m all for, but if this doesn’t pass, i’ll save the post in my personal dynasty ideas list (if that’d be alright with u, Josh)!!

JonathanDark: he/him

09-08-2023 14:41:27 UTC

against I like the idea for the right dynasty, just not this one. I’d rather see it incorporated in a dynasty that’s built with it in mind.

Josh: he/they

09-08-2023 14:52:30 UTC

For sure lemon!

Josh: he/they

11-08-2023 09:11:29 UTC

I have a meeting in 15 minutes and I want my slot so

against Withdrawn