Friday, December 29, 2017

Proposal: The Cleanup Crew has arrived !

self killed failed by card

Adminned at 31 Dec 2017 04:24:26 UTC

Set all of the Director’s GNDT variables and Abilities to the default values that a new Failed Experiment would have if they joined at that moment, except for Distance which is set to 100.

At the beginning of the Groups rule, add:

(The following rule does not apply to the Director, who cannot be part of a group)

Replace “At any time, a Failed Experiment may increase their Suspicion or Hunger by 5 (or by 1 if they are not Exposed) to increase or decrease their Distance by up to 5” with:

At any time, a Failed Experiment may increase their Suspicion or Hunger by 5 (or by 1 if they are not Exposed) to increase or decrease their Distance by up to 5, except if they have not yet performed this action on the current day. If that is the case, the Failed Experiment must first roll a DICE2: on a roll of 1 they encounter the Cleanup Crew (see corresponding rule).

Add a Cleanup Crew rule with the following text:

When a Failed Experiment encounters the Cleanup Crew they must evade it or, if they possess Acid Spitter, Swordfingers or the Killer Tube, can instead choose to confront it:
Evading: Roll a DICE3:
- On a roll of 1, you fail and get attacked: you lose HP equal to one DICE6.
- On a roll of 2, you manage to escape: you may change your distance by 1.
- On a roll of 3, you manage to hide from the crew but are forced to wait until the path is clear: you will not be able to change your distance any more for the current day (unless you become Dead or Captured that day).
Confronting: When confronting the Cleanup Crew, the Director is considered nearby you. Perform Acid Spitter or Swordfingers, or use the Killer Tube, on the Director (this does not count as a Weekly Action for the abilities):
- If the Director loses HP as a result of the action, but does not become Dead, you successfully countered the attack: you may change your distance by 1.
- If the Director became dead as a result of the action, you have cleared the path: you may change your distance by up to 5.
- If the Director did not lose HP as a result of the action, you failed to counter the attack: you lose HP equal to one DICE6.

Add to the Death rule:

Whenever the Director is Dead, their GNDT variables and their Abilities are immediately set to the default values that a new Failed Experiment would have if they joined at that moment, except for Distance which is set to 100.

To complicate the distance game a little.



29-12-2017 12:49:31 UTC

I like the idea but I’d make the distance greater and the costs heavier. Possibly even a Weekly action too.


29-12-2017 12:55:15 UTC

I removed the daily action limit for moving, and instead required players to try an encounter if they plan to move (once or more) each day. This fits in more with your proposal. What would you suggest as cost and distance changes ? Also I didn’t understand the weekly action part.


29-12-2017 17:58:47 UTC

I made some final edits to this. The results of encountering the cleanup crew are clearer and more logical now.


30-12-2017 01:12:37 UTC



30-12-2017 06:33:06 UTC

I think Cuddlebeam meant that part of the heavier cost to moving would be making it a weekly action; the current state of the ruleset would need large amounts of editing to make this work because it would drag the movement game on too long in my opinion.

Kevan: he/him

30-12-2017 10:09:08 UTC

against Not a fan of all the dice here. Can feel unsatisfying if the endgame comes down to one of two players winning, based purely on who is the luckiest.


30-12-2017 21:23:59 UTC
