Proposal: The crypt is about to get very boring?
Timed out and failed, 3-6. Josh
Adminned at 22 Jun 2021 14:55:26 UTC
In the subrule “Unlife”, change
While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions except Devastation.
While a Vampire Lord is Bloodthirsty, they may not perform any Power Actions except Devastation and Machination.
To the subrule “Lair Actions”, append a new paragraph:
Machination is a Lair Action with a cost of 6 plus the Darkness score of the chosen Feature. The Vampire Lord carrying it out selects a Feature that is listed in the “Threats” list of the rule “Features”, and an Explored Room, and adds that Feature to that Room.
If “A Hundred Thousand Tealights” was enacted, change “an Explored” to “a Lit” and “Darkness” to “Shadow” in the newly added paragraph.
It looks like almost everyone is Bloodthirsty right now. With the only way to get back in range being Devastation, this means that we’re probably going to have very few Features left in a couple of days.
Adding a counterpart to Devastation that’s also very inefficient, but has more interesting side effects. It’s hard to get the flavour to fit, but it seems like trying to kill Richardo is the sort of thing you’d do while Bloodthirsty.
Josh: he/they
I would make the cost of Machination reflect the Darkness score of the feature being added, otherwise we’re going to get a lot of Grievously Injured knocking about. Also need to exclude glyphs.