Proposal: the devil’s mind is my beautiful advocate
self killed by quazie
Adminned at 05 Dec 2005 09:29:21 UTC
Pretend that Fred, Devil, and Angel do not have votes when determining if this proposal has reached Quorum or not
If Proposal: shoulders, now, this works, i swear, maybe passes,
create an impulse named influencing the Man with the following text:
Devil shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Devil to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Angel are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Devil.
Angel shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice whose allegiance is Angel to whisper to em unless more voices with allegiances set to Devil are whispering to em than voices with allegiances set to Angel.
Fred shall always vote on proposals in the same manner as the last voice to whisper to em unless that voice hasn’t got eir allegiance set to Fred.
create an impulse named Schizophrenia with the following text.
If a Voice, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, is whispered to by at least two other Voices, other than Angel, Devil and Fred, e has allegiances to Angel, Devil, and Fred.
the two that went up in flames that people seemed to like i made into one so that no one else has to use up their proposals right now, credit goes to Purplebeard and Elias Ix
The Lone Amigo: