Proposal: The Devil’s Work
Self killed. Failed by Angry Grasshopper.
Adminned at 06 Jan 2006 10:56:51 UTC
Change the The Brand New Gaming Room’s Exits to:
The Fortress of Cheese, A Dusty, Non-Descript Supply Closet
Add a new Location:
=== A Dusty, Non-Descript Supply Closet===
Maximum Occupancy: 3
Exits: The Brand New Gaming Room
Description: Seems like a supply closet, except for all the weird markings carved on the far wall, over the shelves filled with assorted tools. Perhaps they are astrological in nature, or chemical?
Add a new Action, Unwinding:
If no other Protagonist has done so that day, any Protoganist whose Location is ‘A Dusty, Non-Descript Supply Closet’ may Unwind the game by making a DICEX and DICEY check to the GNDT, and posting the result to the front page in a post titled ‘Unwinding’, where X is the number of Active Protagonists and Y is the number of Locations defined in the Ruleset. The Xth Protagonist then becomes Idle.
The Protagonist who made the ‘Unwinding’ post has eir location changed to the DICEY-th fully defined Location listed in the Ruleset.
Idle any Protagonist who has not voted on this Proposal.
Hix: Idle