Call for Judgment: The Duke is in the Details
Reached quorum 3 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Nov 2019 18:59:49 UTC
Set TyGuy6’s Max HP to 200. (If every EVC on this CfJ contains the text, “600”, set his Max HP to 600, instead, and skip the following rewording.)
Reword “Brawn: Increase your Max HP by 20 for each Brawn Boon you have.”
To read
Brawn: Your Max HP is higher by 20.
Ratify card’s Atomic Action (begun earlier than this CfJ was posted) to Continue the Story as having been completed at 04:30:00 UTC, 17 NOV 2019, when he posted this Story Post. The Duke of Waltham became the Monster at that time.
600 was kind of silly, sure, but I did set my Max HP to 200 before the Continue the Story was posted. Let’s clarify the rule’s text and free The Duke to Finish Transforming.
well the wikipage is just a representation of the gamestate, so that last clause could probably be skated around and wouldn’t really need a CfJ unless it was something very unintuitive.
for the part about the brawn boon, that rewording is clearer, i’m not really sure how you arrive at the +500 HP figure at all.