Sunday, January 20, 2013

The End

Doomsday dawns. In the final moments before the new world reveals itself, a figure on the banks of the river drops a rusty antikythera mechanism back into the mud, and stares triumphantly at the sky, arms wide.

With a higher Insight than any other Believer, Scshunt has achieved victory.



20-01-2013 18:38:55 UTC

Sooooooo who was in which Cult?

RaichuKFM: she/her

20-01-2013 20:33:48 UTC

I and LarrytheTurtle were in the Puryfying Fire, as well as scshunt, but I kicked him out when he started to win. Then my scam fell through; I was going to have another two-man cult and bandy about adding and removing a trait to The Library; we would have used it to gross, by the end, 15 artifacts per week with two cults (9 from Studying, and 6 from artifacts); The Turtle would have ceded over the second cult to me and made a third, and so on. However, it was at least fun.


21-01-2013 12:39:03 UTC

I started up The Lords of Science and managed to recruit robo1995, IceFromHell, thingnumber2 - which should have allowed for good artifact collection - except that mobilizing was a bit challenging.  Same with securing/ordering places.  That being said - had I gotten The Midnight Crew right - which I would have re-inquisited this week, I might have been able to pull ahead + pull a couple artifacts my cult still had.
Initially, I really enjoyed the whole encryption thing - but then I couldn’t get it to be used.  I also don’t know if any other cults had secret requirements, but I instituted a basic one:

I would like to institute secret requirements for The Lords of Science, as such:
All rule proposals must include a number, written in any form (e.g., word, roman numeral, variable, etc.)
All secret Public communication, should be encrypted using the following encryption:
Vignere Cipher, with the key: thelordsofscience,
and rotated 90 degrees left, in a 3x3 box
(use to aid with this)

Overall, this was fun.


21-01-2013 18:44:37 UTC

I founded the Shadow Cult of the Time Zombies, which was thematically linked in its prophecy to my first dynasty (as that was the post-apoc dynasty, so it felt appropriate to have some sort of throwback to it).


21-01-2013 19:55:57 UTC

What were all the prophecies?

The Lords of Science had the prophecy: “If man does not kill himself off, then surely the cosmos will rip him to shreds”, which is influenced by Neil deGras Tyson.

Also of note, the Lords of Science was inspired by Doctor Who (Lords of Space - to complement Time - didn’t sound as appealing.)

RaichuKFM: she/her

21-01-2013 20:00:20 UTC

The Purifying Fire had the prophecy: “When man’s folly grows too great, The Ashen One will arrive and bathe all but the Chosen in flame.”


21-01-2013 21:15:25 UTC

That’s the one other I knew, from a couple successful inquisitions.


22-01-2013 02:37:54 UTC

Mine was “The dead shall rise up from their graves, winding the clock back and thus causing the First Dynasty of Darth Cliche.”