Proposal: The Feather of Truth
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Feb 2017 19:35:00 UTC
After the first paragraph of “Endgames”, add:-
A Villager’s Micromori value is equal to their number of Memento Mori multiplied by 100, minus 10 for each Disease they have, minus 5 for each Symptom they are exhibiting, plus 1 for each Remedy they were carrying at the start of the most recent Doctor’s Rounds.
In “Endgames”, after “the number of all memento mori is disclosed and the villager with the most memento mori has achieved victory” (if that text is there), add:-
the Villager with the highest Micromori value is Remembered. (Any ties for this are broken randomly.)
Then replace “the Villager with the most Memento Mori is Remembered. (Any ties for this are broken according to fewest Symptoms.) ” with:-
the Villager with the highest Micromori value is Remembered. (Any ties for this are broken randomly.)
Giving both Memento Mori endgames a tiebreaker, and making it more granular than “fewest Symptoms”.