Proposal: The Final Attempt.
approximately 10-2. Timed out, enacted by Excalabur. This proposal does not specify the value of Mood for current Voices, so no one has one at the moment.
Neither did the angel, devil, fred proposal, but every voice became a fred supporter anyway. Just following precedent. - E. IX
Adminned at 11 Dec 2005 07:41:07 UTC
Insert the sentence “Change the word ‘dimension’ in Rule 2.4 to the word “
‘between’.” at the end of the next legal proposal.
After the sentence in Rule 2.4 that ends with “the Perfect Game.”, add the sentence “The Gaming Room contains a couch on which the Ego lies on Sundays.”.
Create an instinct named Mood.
There exists a GNDT field named “Mood”.
Every value except for one allowed for the Mood of a Voice falls on a scale from happiest to unhappiest. The only values allowed, in order from happiest to unhappiest, are the following: Ecstatic, Manic, Cheerful, Happy, Content, Unhappy, Melancholic, Depressed, and Suicidal. The only other acceptable value for Mood is Orgasmic.
New Voices start out content. A Voice may change the Mood of any two other Voices occasionally by one value toward Ecstatic or by one value toward Suicidal.
Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may change eir own Mood. Unless any other rule alters this, no Voice may be Orgasmic.
The Lone Amigo: