Call for Judgment: The Final Bowl is Ready
Reaches quorum against, 0-4. Failed by pokes.
Adminned at 20 May 2017 12:11:48 UTC
We have:
17:50, 17 May 2017 Cuddlebeam (Talk | contribs) . . (6,374 bytes) (0) . . (Giving PSS my Gods. Trading Hyphenicus and Marinja for Maxime and Ralf, with his already public approval.)
And “Call for Judgment: Hands Off Our Bears”! was Enacted 18 May 2017 10:41:44 UTC
It contained.
Then undo the actions taken by Cuddlebeam and Publius Scribonius Scholasticus that took place between 16 May 2017 20:35:00 UTC and 16 May 2017 21:00 UTC
Which didn’t affect that trade, so I did in fact give PSS my Gods. However, due to:
DICEN cannot be rolled in the GNDT if N is 22 or more digits long.
I can’t actually roll his games because of how huge PSS’s Team’s Power is, so I can’t do the Match. And since I can’t do anymore Matches, the Final Bowl is Ready.
Once this CfJ is Enacted, the Commissioner will post a Closing Ceremony in a timely manner which includes the following content below (among anything else needed)
The Results of the latest matches have been:
卍 Turbines of Nihilism 卍 versus Zahndorf Cubs: 4 to 9
♠ Aces and Eights ♠ versus Zahndorf Cubs: 4 to 9
♠ Aces and Eights ♠ versus 卍 Turbines of Nihilism 卍: 8 to 5
Zahndorf Cubs have 9+9= 18 Final Points.
♠ Aces and Eights♠ have 4+8 = 12 Final Points
卍 Turbines of Nihilism 卍 have 4 + 5 = 9 Final Points.
?THE HOSTS? (Cuddlebeam’s Team) have 52 Final Points.
PSS didn’t play any matches and doesn’t have any “gods” as you call them.