Call for Judgment: The first of a couple of CfJs:
Times out 3-5 and fails. -scshunt
Adminned at 15 Jun 2012 23:50:27 UTC
If Declaration of Victory: When You Wish passes, this CfJ does nothing.
Rule 2.2.7, Chronotohms, says “For 2 Chronotohms, the Time Monk may specify a window of ten contiguous Dynasties into which they will jump; they must then roll DICE10 in the GNDT and move to the Dynasty within that window that corresponds to the result;”
In that rule, I took “correspond” to be loose in its definition. By custom, in Blognomic, that would mean that a result of ! would mean the first result in the selected range, 2 would mean the second, and so on. But that is not implicit in the word Correspond, which just means “to be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function.” I performed an action based on the understanding that “correspond” can mean, if wished, that the last digit of the DICE roll equals the last digit of the selected dynasty, which meets the requirement of “to be similar in character… or function”.
Clearly that’s not a very useful basis on which to proceed, as correspondence in that way can be taken to mean all sorts of things. However, I would argue that the move was valid at the time I made it. So, this CfJ validates that my Dynasty, as of 12/06 11:38 (UTC) and until such a time as I chose to change it, is Dynasty 71. Furthermore, add the word “sequentially” after the word “corresponds” to the subrule entitled Chronotohms.