Sunday, May 08, 2011

Proposal: The Great Equalizer

Self-killed. -Purplebeard

Adminned at 09 May 2011 01:44:19 UTC

In the rule “Startups”, replace the text

This new Corporation shall start with a Worth of 0 and a Business Plan of “Add (2-DICE6) * 50”


This new Corporation shall start with a Worth of 1000 and a Business Plan of “Add ((1DICE10) - 4) * 50”

Add 1000 to the Worth of Rules and Co.


I think that it’s a little unfair to new corporations to start so far below the already established ones.  If we are trying to stimulate new businesses, why have them start at such a disadvantage?



08-05-2011 03:01:57 UTC



08-05-2011 09:12:36 UTC

Isn’t this balanced by the price difference between shares of established corporations and starting a new one? If people still think that my shares are worth no more than about 10 Credits, that’s their problem. Also, the Investors who won the auctions and were clever enough to pick up some Shares for less than half of their realistic worth would lose part of their advantage with this change.


08-05-2011 12:33:14 UTC



08-05-2011 15:13:57 UTC



08-05-2011 18:38:10 UTC


Roujo: he/him

08-05-2011 18:57:25 UTC

imperial Per Purplebeard


08-05-2011 19:15:34 UTC

Hmmm.  Maybe we should make it 500 instead of 1000, and the business plan DICE8 - 4?  It just seems like startups such as Rules and Co get a really bad deal comparatively.

ais523: Custodian

08-05-2011 19:30:53 UTC

against per Purplebeard

Darknight: he/him

08-05-2011 21:30:02 UTC



08-05-2011 21:31:17 UTC

As it is, a startup starts out with both zero worth and a negative business plan. It doesn’t make sense for startups to have zero worth if the investors have just put cash into them.


08-05-2011 22:05:47 UTC

Right, which is why I’m proposing this in the first place, but like PB said this might be a so much that it devalues the existing corporations whose stocks are being sold for around 30 credits.  I suggested 500 worth and DICE8-4 so that they still aren’t *as* good as the existing corps but still start with decent stats.


09-05-2011 07:47:41 UTC

against s/k. Will repropose with changes later