Sunday, September 20, 2015

Proposal: The Great Escape

Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 22 Sep 2015 08:23:42 UTC

Rename the “Escape” rule to “Kingpin”.

Add a new subrule to “Victory Conditions” called “Escape”:-

If a Prisoner has gone Over the Wall, they have achieved Victory.

Add a subrule to “Confessions” called “Escaping”:-

An Escape attempt is a type of Confession. As a weekly action, a Prisoner may make an Escape attempt, by confessing to a crime by using a title including “Escape:” instead of “Crime:”.

Escape attempts may not be resolved as regular Confessions. Instead, if both Parties have either Cooperated or Defected on an Escape attempt and neither is Injured, and if that Escape attempt is more than 72 hours old, then any Prisoner may update the gamestate as follows for that Escape attempt, after which point the Confession is over and ceases to be a Confession:

  • If the Suspect and Accomplice both Cooperated, the Suspect goes Over the Wall.
  • If the Suspect Cooperated and the Accomplice Defected, the Suspect is Injured.
  • If the Suspect Defected and the Accomplice Cooperated, the Accomplice is Injured.
  • If the Suspect and Accomplice both Defected, nothing happens.

If either Party to an Escape attempt is Injured, that Escape attempt ceases to be a Confession. A Party to an Escape attempt may not be Threatened. If an Escape attempt is more than 120 hours old, both of its Parties are considered to have Defected on it (this takes precedence over the rule “Confessions”).

Find a partner you can trust, follow through on your plan without any other Prisoners stopping you, and you might just make it out of here.


Darknight: he/him

21-09-2015 02:00:41 UTC



21-09-2015 06:36:40 UTC



21-09-2015 08:31:53 UTC


Josh: he/they

22-09-2015 07:21:52 UTC
