Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Proposal: The Heat Sheet

Passes 8-0. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 02 Sep 2021 19:26:55 UTC

Add a new rule entitled “Adherents” as follows:

Each Cell has a nonnegative number of Adherents, which is publicly tracked and defaults to the median number of Adherents among all other Cells. If a Cell has at least as many Adherents as every other Cell, and more Adherents than the median number of Adherents among all Cells, that Cell is Hot.

If there exist Dynastic Rules called “Ideologies” and “Cycles” then add to the rule “Adherents” the following:

As a Cyclical Action called Alignment, a Cell (the aligner) may pay any other Cell (the aligned) a nonnegative integer amount of Adherents, unless doing so would cause the aligner to have fewer than 2 Adherents.

If there exists a Dynastic Rule called “Communications” then add to the rule “Adherents” the following:

Each Cycle, the Ministry of Information must carry out the following atomic action:

* For each Alignment that took place in the previous Cycle, set the Adherents of that action’s aligner to 0, unless the Ideological Proximity of the aligner and the aligned is at least 1.

If there exists a Dynastic Rule called “Communications” then add, as the second item of the bulleted list in that rule, the following:

* If the Cell that created the Communication is Hot, then replace all other words which are longer than three characters with the following: “█x█” where x is the number of characters in the censored term.

Set the Adherents of each Cell to 0.


Clucky: he/him

31-08-2021 17:58:00 UTC

> As a Cyclical Action, a Cell may pay any other Cell an integer amount of Adherents, as long as the two Cells have an Ideological Proximity of at least 1, and as long as this action would not cause the paying Cell to have fewer than 2 Adherents.

This is an active action, but requires secret information only the Ministry of Information can confirm. might be best to route it through the Ministry of Information.

> If the Cell that created the Communication is Hot, then replace all other words which are longer than three characters with the following: “█x█” where x is the number of characters in the censored term.

Can we make it four, not one less than four? One can talk with well when char nums is four but one less… not so much. Four is “hard but you can do it”, less than four is “You can’t do it”

Also it may be a good idea to add a rule such that you can not just go “Q U A C K” to say a word that has five bits in it

Brendan: he/him

31-08-2021 18:30:00 UTC

Thank you for bringing up the private nature of Ideological Proximity; I’ll adjust that now. I am comfortable saying that the Q U A C K issue would be adequately covered by item three of Censorship Terms.


31-08-2021 19:20:33 UTC

Why start with 0 rather than 1?

Josh: he/they

31-08-2021 20:52:29 UTC


lemon: she/her

31-08-2021 21:06:17 UTC


Darknight: he/him

31-08-2021 22:35:55 UTC


Janet: she/her

01-09-2021 03:30:08 UTC


Kevan: he/him

01-09-2021 07:48:46 UTC


Chiiika: she/her

01-09-2021 15:34:05 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

01-09-2021 19:07:08 UTC
