Saturday, May 23, 2009

Proposal: The Host has entered the Bunker

Vetoed - Bucky

Adminned at 23 May 2009 13:49:20 UTC

Add the following text to the end of Rule 2.3(The Bunker) and Rule 2.7(Rewards)

The Host is considered a Contestant for the purposes of this Rule and its subrules.

The Host can enter rooms and use the abilities of Rewards.  Not much to say here.  Note that the Abilities of Rewards can’t affect the gamestate yet.


redtara: they/them

23-05-2009 16:29:49 UTC



23-05-2009 17:12:05 UTC


Kevan: he/him

23-05-2009 18:06:12 UTC

against I think the setting makes more sense with him twiddling dials in an untouchable control room somewhere.


23-05-2009 18:17:05 UTC

against Agreed, we just need to make that apparent in the GNDT.


23-05-2009 19:37:26 UTC


ais523: Custodian

23-05-2009 19:44:13 UTC

against Yep, I’d prefer a blank entry in the GNDT for my location. Or, you could add something flavourful like CameraRun, I suppose.


23-05-2009 20:16:05 UTC

against S-K; will repropose

ais523: Custodian

23-05-2009 20:48:12 UTC

veto Have your slot back.