Declaration of Victory: The Last @ Standing
Passes 14-0 after 12 hours with Quorum+5 FOR votes, RNG’s FOR vote and no AGAINST votes. -Bucky
Adminned at 27 Jul 2010 10:50:51 UTC
I Declare Victory according to rule 2.15 entitled “Elimination” which states
If, at any time, exactly one @ has 0 deaths, that @ has achieved victory.
With lucky rolls in order to find treasure i was able to kill ais523 (probably traded for treasure over 20 times). And with help from Ienpw_III at the last minute killing Rodney I became the last @ standing.
ais523: Mastermind
A bit disappointing that the GNDT didn’t let me kill you first, but well done. (I attacked you four times today…)