Proposal: The Light at the end of the Fight
Can’t enact with fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 0 votes to 4 by Kevan.
Adminned at 03 Oct 2015 22:13:19 UTC
At the end of the Rule Attack, add a new paragraph with the following text:-
If a Prisoner has not done so yet this Dynasty, they may Heal a Prisoner. To do this, they change the attitude of an Injured Prisoner other than themselves.
Completing the Taking a Fall Rule by providing something to bargain.
Can’t put a bunch of felons together. The goodwill is rampant.
Changing implies different. You can’t “change” the Attitude from Injured to Injured.
ais523: Custodian
I don’t want to have to stay online 24:7 just to try to interrupt one of these things in the middle (and it’s not even clear how, unless there was another similarly obsessive player to help out).