Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Proposal: The Living Have it Way Too Easy…

Failed by “Clean Sweep Done Right Done Right Done Right” -Darth

Adminned at 07 Oct 2009 15:32:22 UTC

In “The Infected,” change the text:

As a daily action, an Infected Survivor (the Unclean) who has not taken damage in the previous 72 hours, and with at least 10 Stamina, may attempt to change the status of a Fallen Survivor (the Weak) to Infected by making two Fitness Tests; the attempt succeeds if both pass. Doing so causes the Unclean to gain 5 Fitness and lose 5 Contribution, and the Weak to lose 5 Stamina.


As a daily action, an Infected Survivor (the Unclean) who has not taken damage in the previous 48 hours, and with at least 5 Stamina, may attempt to change the status of a Fallen Survivor (the Weak) to Infected by making a Fitness Tests; the attempt succeeds if it passes. Doing so causes the Unclean to gain 3 Fitness and lose 3 Contribution, and the Weak to lose 3 Stamina.

I spent 92 Rage trying to Infect someone and still failed. That’s a little bit ridiculous. The way it’s set up, it’s really hard to Infect anyone.



06-10-2009 06:11:23 UTC


Josh: he/they

06-10-2009 06:17:18 UTC


redtara: they/them

06-10-2009 10:34:26 UTC



06-10-2009 14:41:21 UTC

FOR, will vote once Hiatus ends.

Darknight: he/him

07-10-2009 02:54:47 UTC



07-10-2009 19:11:41 UTC

against  meta


07-10-2009 20:07:38 UTC

CoV against

ais523: Custodian

07-10-2009 20:39:13 UTC

CoV against, this no longer has an effect.


07-10-2009 21:11:12 UTC

veto  veto  veto

Also, we need a new veto icon.