Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Proposal: The Means of Production

Enacted 4-0. TDS.

Adminned at 04 Feb 2023 16:47:43 UTC

In the rule “Basic Mechanics” add the following text:

Each Settler has a publicly tracked text variable called Ready which has two valid values, empty and “yes”, defaulting to empty. Each Settler may set their own Ready variable to “yes” or empty at any time.

In the rule “The Gift of the Isle” replace this text:

If they have not done so in the past 36 hours, the Onlooker may perform a Production of Resources.

with this text:

If they have not done so in the past 36 hours, or if all Settlers have their Ready variable set to “yes”, the Onlooker may perform a Production of Resources.

In the rule “The Dice Deck”, add the following bullet to the end of the list:

* Set all Settlers’ Ready variables to empty

While we’re figuring out a faster way to reach the end, let’s allow the Settlers to set the pace of each Production of Resources. If the Settlers are ready for the next PoR sooner, they can indicate this with the new Ready mechanism in this Proposal. Thus, the PoR can happen faster than every 36 hours, but won’t if any one Settler is too busy to have the PoR happen sooner.


Josh: Mastermind he/they

01-02-2023 15:00:27 UTC

Yep, good.

quirck: he/him

02-02-2023 00:34:27 UTC



02-02-2023 14:52:59 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

02-02-2023 17:47:02 UTC

I agree to trade 3 iron and 4 brick to Josh, in exchange for 2 Jute and 3 Rye from him.

Benbot: he/him

03-02-2023 15:08:10 UTC

I’d like to for and idle soon… BECAUSE AAA NO WIKI