Proposal: The Mento Has Become The Manatee
Timed out 1 vote to 2. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 19 Nov 2022 11:20:12 UTC
Change the first paragraph of the rule Mentors to read as follows:
A Group may have another Group as a Mentor. Groups who are willing to act as a Mentor are said to be “Tenured” and are tracked by having the @bn-tenured role on Discord. A Group may request to be added to or removed from the @bn-tenured role in the #new-player-questions-and-mentorships channel on Discord, at which point a Discord admin may make the necessary change.
Just moving this bit of the process over the Discord.
Kevan: he/him
What’s gained by switching this over?
It may also need some explanation for usage; as a Discord novice, I can’t see a way to get a list of people who have a particular role. Is the intention that the Emperor would click through the profiles of all active players in sequence to see who has the role?