Proposal: The ‘No Free Lunch’ Clause
Times out and fails 0-6. -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 24 Feb 2013 13:52:12 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “The ‘No Free Lunch’ Clause” with the following text:
No Proposal may propose to change the Ruleset in such a way as to make it possible for one or more Honourable Members to achieve victory at the instant the Proposal is enacted. Such a Proposal may be marked as illegal at any time by an Admin.
A key part of following the rules is being able to determine whether a given Honourable Member has achieved victory given the Ruleset and Gamestate. So it seems reasonable to be able to ask “If Proposal X were enacted, could any Honourable Member immediately achieve victory?”
I think this is an important step in the right direction because it will eliminate large classes of undesirable rules, e.g. “Honourable Member Y achieves victory”, “All Honourable Members belonging to Party Z have achieved victory”, etc.
Still disagree with this formulation. I think it should be ok, if this dynasty dies down, to end it quickly with a clause, like, “The Hon. member with the greatest Credibility achieves victory”. Effectively, this could have been any Hon. Member—but it just so happnes that (ftm) Spitemaster would be the one to fulfill this.