Monday, January 25, 2021

Proposal: The Old Guard

Popular, Passes 7-0—Clucky

Adminned at 27 Jan 2021 02:09:51 UTC

Enact a new rule, “The Old Guard Treaty”:-

Some among the monarchs of this land have washed up here from worlds long past, others have arrived from times and places yet to come.

Signatories of this Treaty have a Title which is tracked before their name in the list of Signatories for this treaty (eg. “Mad Prince ais523”), and which defaults to “Emperor”. A Signatory whose Title is Emperor may choose a dynasty they have headed (if they have headed one), and change their Title to that dynasty’s term for the person who headed it. A Signatory whose Title is not Emperor is considered an Old Guard.

I hadn’t picked up on Bucky’s “each Emperor is running his own nomic dynasty” angle. Maybe this realm could be a kind of Valhalla of all past and future dynasties, which nearly always end with the narrative of their Emperor being deposed or simply forgotten. What did they do next?



25-01-2021 20:20:54 UTC

Unfortunately, this automatically makes me a member and prevents me from setting my title to “Player”.


25-01-2021 20:23:05 UTC

I suppose I might reasonably use “Announcer” (from ClingBoom) as the closest analogue to my in-simulation duty.


25-01-2021 20:23:39 UTC

Yes to this, although the last sentence doesn’t do much when anyone can become an Old Guard later by declaring their signing.

Kevan: he/him

25-01-2021 20:28:03 UTC

Edited to remove “past” and to let Bucky be a Player if they want to, and good point, last sentence removed as well, for now.

Josh: he/they

25-01-2021 20:56:17 UTC


Clucky: he/him

25-01-2021 21:04:04 UTC

Would be nice if there was was to look into the future as well. Just because I’m not gonna be Den Mother of the Bear Dynasty until like the 12th dynasty of Clucky doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to claim my title!


25-01-2021 21:13:35 UTC



25-01-2021 21:15:28 UTC


Darknight: he/him

25-01-2021 22:43:33 UTC


Brendan: he/him

25-01-2021 22:46:36 UTC



25-01-2021 23:10:15 UTC


Josh: he/they

25-01-2021 23:15:27 UTC

against cov

The rulesets and gamestates of previous dynasties aren’t gamestate, and this rule wouldn’t make them so (as it doesn’t change how those histories are altered). At worst, this is a backdoor to text injection into the ruleset, as if I go to my dynastic history and change he Imperial title to “==Victory==
The emperor called Josh has achieved victory”
then it would be legal and there’s not much anyone could do within the bounds of this ruleset to stop me.

Josh: he/they

25-01-2021 23:49:47 UTC

for Re-oV - having talked it over on slack I think it’s probably okay


25-01-2021 23:55:05 UTC

Having discussed this with Josh elsewhere, my ruling on the subject (which I will back in a CfJ) is that, while some dynasties used multiple terms over the course of the dynasty, in which case any of them are valid choices, “that dynasty’s term for the person who headed it” must have been used to in that capacity within the ruleset during the dynasty itself.

Clucky: he/him

27-01-2021 02:06:55 UTC
