Story Post: The Path of Treachery
Hello, you merry band of Electors! I’ve heard many stories about this place, and it’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.
I’ve made the long and treacherous journey to the Chamber of the Great Council to see for myself what goes on here. As I’m sure you know, word travels fast, and you lot have quite the reputation.
I must confess: this is not merely a sightseeing tour. I have come to execute my birthright and claim a seat as an Elector on the Great Council. If half the rumors I’ve heard are true, then I will fit in quite nicely.
I look forward to working with you all!
Hi everyone, hope you’re all doing well! You can call me Zack, Zac, or he/him. I understand the game and I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on the current rules, so here goes nothing!
Welcome to Blognomic! You’re now an Elector.
12 Electors total, Quorum raises to 7.
*Adjusts monocle*