Call for Judgment: The Power Of Inactivity
Open for 24 hours, more FOR votes than AGAINST votes (5-4), and quorum of people have voted on it so this passes.—Clucky
SPC will need to update everything because only he knows how many places each player influenced
Adminned at 28 Mar 2012 13:39:13 UTC
When southpointingchariot’s proposal at was enacted, the ruleset contained this sentence in rule 2.6 Institutions:
Whenever an Institution is created or modified, it becomes Inactive.
Making all Institutions Inactive is a modification to every Institution, so every Institution should have become Inactive again, so no Institution may have been Influenced at the end of the Cycle.
To make things right, the Net should reset the Gamestate, making everyone’s Credits 10 and everyone’s Marines, Power and Councilmen 0, then award one Credit to every Player for every Institution which they Directed at least one Credit to.
Additionally, the Net may announce that no Player Influenced any Institution, but not how any Players specifically Directed their Resources.
Should I have pointed this out sooner?