Saturday, February 03, 2007

Proposal: The Ranks

failed by Hix

Adminned at 04 Feb 2007 12:41:31 UTC

Add a new Dynastic rule called “The order of things”

Each Actor has one of fifteen current role, tracked in the GNDT called “role”. Roles which appear lower on the role’s list are considered to be more favorable, and those that are lower are considered to be less favorable. All actor’s start with the role of “Day Time TV Voice Actor”. Roles can change because of the rules, but no rule may cause an actor’s role to increase or decrease by more than one level at any given time.

Roles are as follows:
*Day Time TV Voice Actor
*Soap Opera Actor
*Prime Time TV Supporting Actor
*Prime Time TV Lead Actor
*Low Grade Movie Voice Actor
*Low Grade Movie Supporting Actor
*Standard Movie Voice Actor
*Low Grade Movie Lead Actor
*Standard Movie Supporting Actor
*Blockbuster Movie Voice Actor
*Standard Movie Lead Actor
*Blockbuster Movie Supporting Actor
*Blockbuster Movie Lead Actor


peacefulwarrior: Idle

03-02-2007 16:27:41 UTC

Roles which appear lower on the role’s list are considered to be more favorable, and those that are lower are considered to be less favorable

I’m assuming the first instance of the word “lower” should actually be “higher”.

alethiophile: Idle

03-02-2007 19:05:39 UTC

for Sure, if you fix peaceful’s problem.

Excalabur: Idle

03-02-2007 19:11:52 UTC

against Fix peaceful’s problem /first/, then I’ll CoV.

Josh: he/they

03-02-2007 20:46:49 UTC


Doremi: Idle

03-02-2007 21:27:20 UTC

This will be great when this is fixed.

Scaramouche: Idle

03-02-2007 21:31:25 UTC

imperial Aye, rearrange the wording there—to “roles closer to Superstar are more favorable, and those cloaser to Unemployed are less favorable” or something like that—and it’s great.

Hix: Idle

03-02-2007 21:42:13 UTC

against as above.  I also don’t think the “no rule can change a role by more than one level” bit is necessary.

peacefulwarrior: Idle

03-02-2007 22:10:50 UTC

against After some thought, I feel that it doesn’t make sense to rank any kind of voice role over any kind of acting role, because face time on screen is infinitely more desirable to an actor, even if only on daytime TV, and in fact success in voice roles has no bearing on one’s future chances of success at being on screen.

Josh: he/they

03-02-2007 22:12:59 UTC

Actually, a role in an animated movie can be extremely good for a film career, as it raises an actor’s exposure amongst an otherwise hard-to-reach demographic - mothers of young children.

viewtyjoe: Idle

03-02-2007 22:20:23 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

03-02-2007 22:20:24 UTC


ChinDoGu: Idle

03-02-2007 22:20:40 UTC

against The no rule can change a role more than one level bit if it is to remain probarbly needs an “at the same time.”  Otherwise it would be like saying you can only earn one gold medal from competing in an event, after that you have to do something else to earn your gold medals

ChinDoGu: Idle

03-02-2007 22:21:03 UTC

Hmm.  reading is tech, please ignore my comment.

Clucky: he/himIdle

03-02-2007 22:47:16 UTC

Ok. i’ll fix this up.  against

Combustable: Idle

04-02-2007 15:59:47 UTC
