Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Proposal: The Revolution Will Be Televised

Josh’s DEF resolves FOR so this has a quorum of FOR votes. Passes 6-0 with one unresolved DEF

Adminned at 23 Sep 2021 01:38:48 UTC

To the bullet list in “News”, add:-

* If any Cells have achieved victory in the current dynasty, a list of those Cells
* If any Cells have achieved Collaborator Victory, the Ideology of those Cells
* If any Cells have achieved Revolutionary Victory, a list of all the Citizens whose Workplace was the Colonial Palace when its effect was last triggered, and the Cells they adhere to

Josh is - I think - currently blocked from confirming (or disconfirming) that a player has actually achieved victory. Although we can likely work it out from the numbers when it happens, Josh making any kind of vote or comment on a DoV would reveal some clues of private information, which he can only do “when the ruleset allows it”, which it currently doesn’t.


Clucky: he/him

21-09-2021 17:24:03 UTC

Hrm… if you achieve Revolutionary Victory, do you achieve victory as well? I think actually maybe no and so maybe we should fix that?

Kevan: he/him

21-09-2021 17:25:28 UTC

I think you do, it’s only an adjective. If you’ve picked a Red Apple, you’ve picked an Apple.

Josh: he/they

21-09-2021 21:39:27 UTC

I’m not sure about this.

On the one hand: yes, I can’t currently vote on DoVs or ratify victories, which makes them very hard to carry out.

On the other: I think listing out who has won in the Clarion is very dry, and removes some of the romance of having it all be held in secret gamestate.

I’ll have to think about it some more, I think.

Clucky: he/him

21-09-2021 22:00:12 UTC


I think this is better than simply having dueling DoVs that come down to “trust me about what the game state actually is”

Brendan: he/him

21-09-2021 23:14:29 UTC


Kevan: he/him

22-09-2021 08:45:11 UTC

The idea of a secretly-triggered victory that the winner has to persuade a quorum of voters has actually happened does sound like fun (I’m a big fan of the “I can logically prove that you can’t win this column” mechanic in Battle Line), but I don’t think we’ve been deliberately building towards anything like that.

Any scribbly-whiteboard “therefore if I am not lying I have won” DoV is going to get deferential shrugs from Uninfluential Cells who aren’t sure about it, and wariness from rivals who can’t know whether the player is being entirely truthful.

Josh: he/they

22-09-2021 13:18:27 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

22-09-2021 16:27:55 UTC


Raven1207: Monarchple he/they

22-09-2021 21:50:03 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-09-2021 22:36:31 UTC
